Pure Leverage Review | Should You Stay Away Or Promote This Biz?

Pairen-chan gear hope you’re doing well if you’re watching this video right now then you’re probably doing a bit of research on pure leverage okay you can see the website right here maybe you’re trying to figure out is this a pure leverage review legitimate opportunity should you be getting into it you know one of the benefits what is it about so I’m gonna go through it a little bit I’m gonna tell you about the pros and the cons okay and you can make your decision after that whether you should get into a program like this so first and foremost pure leverage on the front end okay is basically they’ve got their own set of marketing tools okay so when it comes to marketing online building any sort of online business whether you’re marketing affiliate programs MLM network marketing e-commerce you need certain tools okay so they’ve got their own proprietary tools they’ve got I think an autoresponder a funnel builder and a tracking system okay so that’s all good and great and they’ve actually developed it themselves with a company called gvo gvo okay so is it legitimate yes it is okay so the tools are real if you get in there’s no problem that company’s been around for a while and you know it will show you the right tools to actually get started online the problem though is that their tools are not that great okay so a lot of them are pretty complicated they’re quite complex they don’t have very good instructions to teach you how to use them properly and they’re substandard right so if you look at autoresponders like even as simple as get response or Aweber they’re much much better than the stuff inside of pure leverage funnel builder I mean clickfunnels is way way better than anything that they can produce so again it’s not bad if you don’t mind getting started at a slightly lower level but if you want to you know really go out there with a bang and start building a really successful business you have to invest in good products okay good quality tools good quality products now the other thing about pure leverage is there are a couple of upsells throughout the process okay the final upsell is really it’s kind of like a mastermind that was done by a lot of really really big people so Michelle / presscon said oh sorry I can’t pronounce the name russell brunson there’s some big people on the that actually talk on a live conference and they record that and they give that all to you okay now here’s a problem with that right it’s great to listen to big pure leverage review and big incentive marketers and gurus talk about this success and you know what are some of the things they did and what are some of the things they didn’t do and what you shouldn’t be doing but the problem is is you still don’t really learn that much from video trainings like that okay in my experience anyway right because I’ve been online for a long time I’ve been online for nine years and I’ve seen many products like this I’ve invested a lot of you know hard-earned money into programs like this and and even though programs like that are good because it inspires you and it motivates you that’s all it really does okay it might give you a couple of ideas here a couple of ideas that you can implement but it’s not really a roadmap on how to build your business online successfully does that make sense right so yes it is valuable and you are listening to you know top I would say the top you know 2% of all internet marketers in the world if you decide to upgrade to that training but is it going to teach you how to move forward in your business not necessarily okay and so just as a review is pure leverage legitimate hundred percent legitimate okay they’ve been around for a while their products work their tools work you know some of the products are even pretty good but is it really going to get you to where you need to go in your business I’m not so sure okay in my opinion not not really alright and so I’ve been around for nine years the first eight years that I was building my business I failed miserably right I’ve tried everything I’ve tried systems like pure rep leverage I’ve done marketing systems MLM network marketing affiliate marketing e-commerce top tier sales I’ve been around the block okay and I’ve learned to generate hundreds of leads made some sales here and there but in the first eight years really struggled because I couldn’t figure out how to build a consistent income that is the most challenging part of any online entrepreneurs journey right but over the last year and a half managed to flip those eight years into huge success generated hundreds of sales in my business and I’ve generated now tens of thousands of dollars online 100% okay so the question is is how was I able to do that okay well what I realized after eight years you know my first eight years of being online is that it’s not really about the program that you’re marketing like pure leverage for example okay it’s really about yourself and how you’re able to understand internet marketing so that you can become a powerful promoter okay if you don’t understand how to promote stuff online you will never make that much money you might make a little bit but if you want to make big income like you know five ten fifteen twenty thousand dollars a month every single month you have to improve only one thing yourself your skill set your mindset and your knowledge okay and I didn’t realize that now there are a few different areas that you need to focus on you need to focus on traffic conversions what tools to use you need to do things all the invisible stuff that nobody talks about like understanding how to present influence positioning power posturing all this stuff is so important to get people to physically take out their wallet and want to invest with you all right and if you don’t have a program that teaches you how to do that stuff then you’re not gonna you know you’re not really gonna move forward in your business right and it took me a long pure leverage review time to figure that out okay now here’s the thing most people don’t last nine years online most people will do it for maybe six months three months maybe a year two years at max okay but if you go out there and do your research most people haven’t been around as long as I have okay so I know what it takes to go from failure to move to you know a highly successful business now how did I do that okay well I finally found a program and a mentor about a year year and a half ago now where all these things that I just spoke about the conversions the traffic the setting up of the sales funnel the invisible stuff like influence posturing presentation positioning all that stuff that’s so important to get people to know like and trust you this program teaches you how to do that because it’s the key it’s really the reason it’s it that’s what sets the sets the difference between the people that are making no money and the people that are making a lot of money online okay so listen completely up to you if you want to check it out you can click on the link right below this video I’ve got a link there to the program that I use to completely change my business around make sure you enter your right email address because I’ll be sending you some cool information that will tell you a little bit of ice about pure leverage review my story and and I’ll give you some free training as well about how I did it okay but on the next page you’re also going to be able to see the program that I you to completely flip my business around you know 360 180 degrees pretty much okay now you can check it out if you want completely up to you and listen I hope you enjoyed this review today of pure leverage all right now you know what it’s about again make that call yourself alright but I mean look if the only thing is that this is just a vehicle alright without the knowledge without the power without the marketing know-how it just sits there and it does nothing okay which is why you need to focus on yourself not so much on the vehicle and the program that I’m recommend will be able to teach you how to do that I wish you all the best in the business I hope you enjoyed this review take care and sweeties soon

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