I Can’t Believe It! Massaging Your Ears Can Help You Lose Weight?

Believe it or not, auricular acupressure can really help you lose weight and help you fit in to that pair of jeans. Have you ever heard of auriculotherapy? Very few people know how beneficial it can actually be. Auriculotherapy is a natural therapy that consists of stimulating points in your ears, which are connected to the central nervous system, creating stimuli throughout the body, including our organs. According to this technique, which has been a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 2,000 years, the human body can be mapped out in our ear, in the shape of a fetus, and therefore every it’s possible to treat problems or alleviate symptoms by massaging certain points. Massages can be used to treat certain conditions that can also cause weight gain. So, stimulating certain points in your ear can help you lose weight more easily. In order to experience these benefits it is recommended that you visit a specialist to locate the points and perform the technique correctly.

But if you wish, watch this video to learn about a similar technique that can be performed at home and still have the same benefits. The whole process takes about five minutes. Before you begin, if you have long hair, tie it up. You will also need to keep both hands free to use your fingertips to stimulate your ears. Begin by grasping the back of your fingertips and gently flicking your ears about 100 times. You should feel some stimulation. If you are a beginner or if your ears are sensitive, you may initially feel a small amount of pain that will eventually disappear as your ears get used to it. Then massage your ears 100 times with your fingertips, starting at the top and going down to your earlobe. In the middle of your ear, you’ll feel the cartilage. Think of it as the spine of your ear. Just like a chiropractor or masseur gently massages your spine, you will pay special attention to the center of the ears.

As you move forward, you will find a small flap on the part of your ear closest to your face. This is called the tragus and controls your appetite. Stimulating the tragus will help you lose weight. After completing this massage therapy, you should feel warmth and joy all throughout your body. Warning: Your ears may turn slightly red by the time you’re you’re done. It just means that you did this exercise correctly.

This technique can be performed sitting down. And if you want to increase the progress of your weight loss, get up and bend your legs slightly. This will activate your circulation, strain your leg muscles and burn more fat. It’s recommended that you do this once a day, and after some time you will probably notice the difference when looking in the mirror. It’s important to remember that, in addition to auriculotherapy, you should also follow a diet indicated by a nutritionist, and practice physical exercise regularly. .

As found on Youtube