TBI Treatment – Memory Loss – Cerebrum Health Centers

On November 5th 2006, after I sang in the choir concert that night with my high school choir my family’s life was drastically changed. We were involved in a tragic accident with a drunk driver he was running from the police going 80 miles an hour with his lights off, hit us head on and then ran on top of our family van, we were all med evacuated to four different hospitals. I suffered a traumatic brain injury and was in a comma for five to six weeks and my physical body was completely broken, I had to re-learn how to do everything, how to walk, how to talk, how to write, how to get dressed, how to swallow, how to brush my teeth everything that you do on a daily basis.

With God all things now first of all, and he has sustained us every single step of the way. We’ve been on a long journey but we have seen just healing after healing and we are eight and a half years later and Jen is still healing even this week at the Carrick brain center in new way, so we are so excited because we tempted to give up hope sometimes and think if this is as good as it’s going to get and so we are thankful for any healing that we can get. It was just, it was definitely a faith walk and a process of holding on to the scriptures and seeking the Lord’s faith because God is truly, He has sustained us through this time.

I think Carrick came into our lives at the exact moment that God wanted it to happen and now we see continued healing and not only when we were there, but when we go home we have exercises that we do to help Jennifer each and every day continue to heal and that’s what we still need about it. And we saw great results when we went to the Carrick Brain Center in Atalanta and then now here in Dallas in just the last two days with Dr. Jerome we’ve seen Jen speech improve, definitely she is initiating more things. My balance has definitely improved as well as my memory and I feel more stable. Jen is speaking at a women’s conference this weekend and it is absolutely incredible to see the the recovery that she has made, going from a traumatic brain injury that left her in a comma to being able to stand on stage literally stand on stage, be able to articulate what she is thinking and what she is feeling to a crowd of people it’s absolutely phenomenal.

We are just believing for great things and we are not going to give up we are going to keep fighting, and keep praying and keep believing, so we just want to encourage you don’t give up if you’re watching this there is hope..

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