Subtitled Last COCKPIT Tape Shuttle Columbia Accident + Crew Audio

On the first of february 2003 Columbia began its descent back to earth As the Shuttle raced over the Pacific towards the US, the crew put on their suits, preparing themselves for a routine landing It was now am, and this are pictures of their last moments alive. {ERROR: Last TAPED moments, 11 min. before crash} We have 10 minutes to get gloves on, Laurel do you need help? I think i’m almost..oke. – After you get yours than i get mine. Actualy .. Can i give this to you? – I, I don’t have that bag anymore. – Than don’t worry, I can gray tape it up here if you want. -That’s a good idea Are you ready for the camera Laurel, as we said? – One minute. – Oke, no rush, we’ve got plenty of time. KC, another thing to populate your … Alright, I got it Willy. Alright Willy. – No problem. Do you want the whole thing or just the camera? Whatever’s easier for you. I think we talked about the whole thing. Let me see, wait a minute. We’re thinking of give it back to you right? – No you’re not. You’re going to plug it in back there, like we talked about.

Two minutes to entry interface. {atmosphere contact} I know about the line cable, Willie, I didn’t understand your question. You don’t want the camera back, right? I do not want the camera back. He’s got one mounted in his HUD already. Yep, yep, Replug. Replug, that’s all you’ve gotta do. When do we start moving our head around, Rick? When we start getting a little bit of G’s? A little bit of G’s, yeah. KC, can you look at the camera for a second? Look at me. Can you see me? Yep.. Yeah… Laurel ? .. Oh, I just turn towards you, I see what you have there. Yeah! Haha OK, Laurel. Trash bag, KC, if you’ve got any. We are gray taping, you can just give it to us. -That’s six and a half bags.

OK, I’m going to have to give this to Laurel when she is done. I’m going to gray tape it behind, I mean tape it behind the seat, I think this is light enough that it will stay. Oh we see lots of jets firing. I’m getting the jets firing, I’m trying to see if I can get an overhead window view yet. -OK. That’s all I can do is three and a half bags out of four. So that’ll work .. If I can pass that back to you? Rick, if you have just one second, I want to get to my gloves before G’s build, I don’t want to get…

Certainly. There’s all kinds of.. Here comes .. -OK. We’re just past EI (Entry Interface). Ok. I have my gloves. Is that jets firing in the DAP, I guess. (DAP = Digital Autopilot) And Rick, I’ll take your bag. And float it aft gently, I’ve got it. That might be some plasma now. Think so, already? Yeah, the jets are not firing right now. All right, it was quite a bit, actually. We see it out the front, also. -That’s some plasma. Copy, and there’s some good stuff outside, I’m filming overhead right now. It’s kind of dull. -it’ll be obvious when the time comes. Well, Willy, I guess I could give you the camera to put out the front window. Here, let’s, uh, no, let’s don’t do that. Let’s just, uh,let’s go ahead and make sure you check your suit pressure integrity, too. And comm check on intercom.

Put the, uh, visors down. CDR. PLT. PS1. aah MS1. I don’t have my gloves on yet. – MS2. All right, good enough. And we leave our visors down, though.? Oh, no. I’m just saying just check your suit’s… .. pressure. And then would it go back off. – Yeah. That’s good enough for, I’m going to check one other thing. Starting to glow a little bit more now, Laurel. OK, all that’s worked. It’s noisy in there, isn’t it? Do you see it over my shoulder now, Laurel? I was filming, it doesn’t show up nearly as much as the back. It’s going pretty good, now.. Ilan, it’s really neat, it’s a bright orange yellow out over the nose, all around the nose. Wait until you start seeing the swirl patterns out your you know left and right windows. Looks like a blast furnace. Let’s see here… look at that. Yep, we’re getting some Gs Let go of a card, and it falls. I got a bit flip here on the accel now. {error on his gravity display} Yep. Alright, we’re at, uh, hundredth of a G.

This is amazing, it’s really getting, uh, fairly bright out there. Yeah, you definitely don’t want to be outside now. Yep, like we did before. -Hahaha How’s it look out the back, Laurel? Hey willy, I can see you in your mirror. Yea, now i can. Now I can see your camera. -OK. Stop playing. 22 – 10 … 10 – 52 is what we were looking for, for… OK … 10 – 16, right? I’ve got 16 written here. Yeah, 22 10 16. Yeah, 22 10 16, that’s correct. Sorry. (22 days 10 hours 16 min. mission elapsed time).

As found on Youtube