COVID-19 outbreak GLOBAL UPDATE: More than 70,000 confirmed cases, 1,700 deaths reported in China

The novel coronavirus is showing no signs of easing in China. However, 1700 people have died there with the number of new cases. Rising and reports of more infections are coming out from the quarantine Diamond Princess cruise ship as well. Art says Jang Hyun has the latest the number of confirmed cases of the Nova corona virus has surpassed a 70,000 in China. The Chinese authorities reported on Monday that the virus has infected at least 2,000 more people within the past 24 hours. There were also 100 more deaths in Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak hiking, the total death toll in China to over 1,700 in Japan, 70 more people have tested positive for the virus onboard the quarantine diamond Princess cruise ship that remains docked at Yokohama port. It brings a number of total confirmed cases on the vessel to 355 and over 400 in the country the highest number outside of mainland China. On Monday morning, the u.s

Evacuated its citizens that have been holed up on the cruise ship for weeks, some 300 passengers boarded to air place chartered by the US government at Tokyo’s, Haneda Airport American travelers, who are current and on the cruise ship for more than 10 days, were screened for symptoms. Prior to disembarking the ship and will undergo another two weeks in quarantine upon their arrival in the u.s. 44 Americans who tested positive, could not return home. Taiwan also reported its first covert 19 death on Sunday after a male taxi driver in his 60s died from the virus. It makes him the fifth test outside of mainland China. The men was one of the two confirmed cases in Taiwan with the other being a family member of the deceased male, it’s been reported. He had no recent travel history of site Taiwan. However, local reports say most of his customers were people who had a history of traveling to China, Hong Kong and Macau, as they could have been human to human transmission from another carrier. Cha dong-young arirang news,