Commission Gorilla V2 Review | Commission Gorilla V2 Bonus

Commission Gorilla V2 Review | Commission Gorilla V2 Bonus let’s go ahead and sign in to Commission gorilla so I can show you exactly how it works the very first thing you see when you log in to Commission gorilla v2 are you statistics for your current pages so you can see how your pages are converting and which ones aren’t converting to so you’ll see highest converting and loes converting and this is great to see because you’ll get to see which one of your pages is working the best then at the top we have our menu section so the first thing we have is new bonus this is where we can basically add new bonuses to commissioned gorillas and add new bonus blocks I’ll show you more about that in a moment you then also have your bonus library and this is essentially a library of all the different bonuses that you’ve gone ahead and added to commissioned gorillas which is great because that means you can now store a massive library over time before your bonuses as somebody that promotes a lot of offers I end up having dozens and dozens of bonuses over time so now that I can go ahead and collate all my bonuses in one place that’s a massive time saver as an affiliate you then have the new paid section which essentially is where you actually build your page out we’ll be coming back to this in a moment and we’ll actually walk through building a page and then we have my pages where you can see all the pages that you’ve built out which is a really nice place to actually go ahead and clone pages if you want to kind of have a template that you like you can go ahead and clone it and just edit it up and again this is a massive time saver so let’s go back home and what I’d like to do is actually create a brand new bonus for this account so let’s got a new bonus now you have different types of bonus block layouts that you can add inside a commission gorilla v2 you have a classic layout which is basically a text and graphic combo which I’ll show you an example of in a moment you can also have an image and a graphic and this is basically the easiest one you could do because essentially you’re just uploading an image so if you have a banner of a bonus you can literally just upload it here and then add that to your page when you’re ready you also have a text WYSIWYG style layout which is basically literary this text so you can essentially create any kind of style you want from so if you don’t want to do you know like a premade set you can just kind of create your own style in a WYSIWYG editor then you also have an invisible block which is essentially something that shows on the delivery page so after somebody buys your affiliate promo when they go to the bonus delivery page this is where you can show these blocks all right so let me quickly show you a couple of examples of these let’s have a look at this one right here this is your classic layout okay so this is the classic block which is basically text and then you have an image of a report for example there some benefits you know a little bit of copy there and that’s a very kind of basic classic where for a block okay then you also have this one here which is essentially an image block okay so this is the other type of block you could have and an image block is essentially just an image but you could put whatever you want in your image right and then upload it to commission gorilla and then that’s ready to go for any primer that you want to do another example you could have is just text alright like I said you could have just your WYSIWYG editor and create any kind of text that you want so this one I just created is just a text but I could add anything I want through this that I want for this particular block okay so what I want to do now is actually add a new bonus I want to show you what it’s like to add and it’s very very easy okay so let’s add an image graphic it sold an image block for this one we’ll name it bonus example and then you could also add it to categories okay so you can have different kinds of categories so let’s just say you promote various types of offers like video offers SCO maybe list building you can create different categories for different types of bonuses which is really useful so if I’m doing a video promo I want to be able to find all my video bonuses right so I can have a video category for example so here I’ve got review bonuses because I’m doing a review video so I want to add a bonus to my review bonuses now the delivery block is actually referring to what would actually show up on the Thank You page after your viewer a customer has purchased from you okay so when they go to the delivery page they would actually see this on the delivery page so you can actually go in and actually edit all of this so for example we can get rid of text we can you know pop in the name of the product here and whatever you want to do here is exactly the same as a WYSIWYG editor so you can pretty much customize this how you want but essentially this will show up on the Thank You page and you can go ahead and change the color of this from this section just here okay I’ll just leave it white for now most important thing I want to show you though is this the image okay so let’s upload an image for our bonus so I’m gonna go ahead and choose this one right here alright and there we go so now that has gone ahead and added a very nice image that we’ve had made up but I can now use as a bonus block in Commission gorilla so now that I’ve done I’m gonna hit save and that’s gonna go ahead and add that to my now bonus library as you can see bonus example this is the one that we just added to our account okay what I’m gonna do now is I want to actually show you how you can build a page and use these bonuses and use these blocks inside the page creator now this is the coolest part of Commission gorilla my opinion because you can really create some very gorgeous pages like we showed you it’s part of the video the first thing you’re gonna want to do is go into your page settings and give your page a name so I’ve just named mine video page you also want to enter your affiliate link into the text field here so that you have your affiliate link link to the button okay then there’s a couple of Pro features which I’ll speak about a little bit later on and also whilst I’m going through the page there’s SEO features so you know go ahead and do all your keyword optimization and your keywords here make sure your page is optimized for SEO and they’ve got page colors here too so I’m gonna go ahead and actually customize this a little bit what I want to do is make the outside of my page kind of like a gray like this and I’m gonna leave the inner side on the white okay so but you can actually just go ahead and customize this however you like but I’m gonna kind of go with just a nice white page okay you can also do a background image so if you want to have the background rather than a color you can do that too and then you also want to set up your bonus delivery page okay so you can set up the header and you can give your Thank You page a name so I’ll just do test for now and that’s everything you want to do on the setting side now once you’ve done all that head into Bloxx now this is where the fun begins all right inside the blocks you can basically go ahead and just drag and drop elements right onto the page so let’s start by adding a nice kind of like a headline to the page so we just drag and drop and add a headline in here all right and then what you can do is this is all kind of customizable okay so you can just highlight you can change the size of the text simply just by you know selecting just like this is a standard WYSIWYG editor okay make it bold we can change the font as well so I’m gonna go ahead change the front up a little bit so I like this one you can also go ahead and you know change the color of individual kind of words so if you want to change certain words up you can do that too which i think is very nice you can also go ahead and you know highlight PEX things like that so it’s very very easy it’s very just kind of quick and do you know it’s very very simple to create now what I want to do is I want to add a little bit spacing above this headline cuz I don’t like how close it is to the top so add a little bit spacing and you just click and drag the space block and you can literally just drag it above the headline and there you go I added some spacing I can even customize how my spacing on one just by clicking on the COG and actually you know just entering how much high I want which is very very cool and what I’m going to do now is add a very cool countdown timer right underneath this headline now the countdown timer is actually a pro feature okay so you do need to have the pro version of Commission gorilla v2 to be able to use a count that timer and I highly recommend it because countdown timers are so important for your bonus pages right so here you can actually go in and just customize the countdown timer however you like you can change the color of the block so if I want to make it black have to do that I could change the background color just like this so the block actually turns black alright and then you can do countdown settings and I’m gonna go ahead and just set up a timer for any kind of time right now alright you won’t be able to see that just yet but you will once we save and preview the page but that’s gonna be there for now okay then what I’m gonna do is I want to add a nice video right underneath the countdown timer so I drop a video in here okay and then once the video block is in you can just click and you can just simply in the embed code of your video so I’m gonna go do that now and okay and there we go then what I want to do is add a nice button underneath the video all right so we’ll go to CTA button there and you can actually customize a button however you like so just once again hit the cog and we can go in and change this up however we like so what I’m gonna do is change the font up so it matches my my other copy I’ll customize it a little bit and you can do gradients and things like that as well which is pretty nice so if you want to add like a gradient to the bottom of this ETO like that you can do that I’ll change the text color a little bit make it black I’m gonna make it wide so it sits nicely underneath my video like that okay very cool and then what I want to do is actually make this section a separate color I want to make it like orange like this color here so what I’m gonna do is go into the COG and the block color I just make it Orange okay and that’s gonna make that entire block now Orange like that I also want to make this bottom section orange too so I’ll make that orange too like that so that it all kind of matches up with this section now one thing is that the button kinda doesn’t stand out on the orange so what I might do now is actually just change this color up completely and make it very different there we go so now that stands out a little bit more on the page so as you can see it’s very easy to add different kinds of elements like we added the headlines spacing mirror to count path liner the video we customized the blocks a little bit as well and added about it too but now the very cool thing is remember those blocks that we added the bonus blocks well now you can add those in very very easily just by clicking bonus block all right so once I click votive block it’s gonna ask me to actually select a bonus all I got to do is click here and I can choose any one of the bonuses that I kind of put in so we have that bonus example let’s go ahead and add that it oh just like that bonus is added to the page all right if I wanted matter though one hit bonus block and I’ll select no one so we’ll let’s select this one here burn a cinch for boom another bonus has just been added in and we can wish you just add in the bonuses whichever ones that we’ve won just like that very very easily so once you’ve done that you can go ahead add another call to action in a countdown timer you could even add social sharing so if you want to kind of get people to kind of share the page you could do that so we’ll drop that in and we can click in and obviously customize it and integrate it the way we need to integrate it and then I don’t want to hear one it kind of top so well do is let’s go to the top of the page and I want to put it underneath button okay so I want people to have to be able to share right under that but it what I’m gonna do is also add a call to action at the bottom of the page so just go to the bottom just so there’s a call to action in both places there we go that’s pretty much how easy it is to you know put a page together now what I could do now is go ahead and save an exit and that’s gonna get added to my pages and it’s gonna basically give me some options of what I want to do to you know host the page so obviously Commission gorilla v2 can host the page for you as well right here so you can actually list you just take that URL and we can see that the page looks pretty cool videos there counter timers there headlines there as well now one thing I did mention was the pro features so what I want to do is quickly just head back into a new page and I want to talk about these pro features so you’ve got a tension bar exit redirect and a countdown timer like I just showed you okay so what I want to do is just show you some examples so here’s a page a demo page that was built using Commission gorilla v2 and with this one you can see countdown timer on the page it’s very attractive and you can basically customize this having you want colors and things like that and this is something that you really want to have on a bonus page you want to give people real scarcity you’re on a page to help you from versions right so then we’ve also got the exit redirect so here we’ve got another burners page built by Commission gorilla v2 very cool page I’ve got some bonus blocks in here looks great now exit redirect work simply by if you click off the page a pop up pump comes up just like this so we’ll come up you can customize this however you want and you can get them to basically stay on your page now again a very very effective tool very great way to capture more leads and that kind of thing and make more money from those promos okay and the last thing is an attention bar so the tension bar I want to show you a little example then refresh this page again this was built using Commission gorilla v2 again great tool obviously and after a couple of seconds what we’ll see is the attention bar drops in at the top just like that and this is a great way to basically redirect your viewer or your prospects attention because basically there might be kind of scroll through the page losing attention and just kind of you know skimming through not really paying attention but what’s gonna happen is when that bar off sound it’ll grab their attention so that’s a very cool feature as well now one really cool thing that I’d love to show you real quick is the template page alright so if you go into my pages what the guys are Commission gorillas her actually done is created a best practices template and this is basically a template that these guys have used again and again to generate a lot of money on there forever so here’s what the actual promo page all looks like so you can see it’s a very nice page and this is essentially what a good bonus page looks like okay the layout the structure of it and everything is all laid out there ready to basically go all you’ve got to do to actually use this template is just hit this clone button and that’ll basically go ahead and open up that template in a brand new page so it’s just letting you know that this is a clone page and that’s okay and there you go you’ve got the page here now ready to go and you can literally click in and customize this however you want okay so your own headline goes here you can then go ahead and kind of you know move things around if you want to move around you know obviously change the video up if you want to customize this button customize it you know change whatever you want to change alright you can literally do whatever you want to do and this is a great way to kind of jump in and have a template that’s already proven to convert and just go ahead and customize it with your own thing so you can just go ahead and replace these Burnet blocks out with the own your own bonus blocks that you already uploaded so for example I can just get rid of that and then go ahead and go into my blots and a block in alright and I want it to go essentially kind of like with the other bonuses so I’ll just add it in just here select my bonus and I can load it up alright and then that’s it you know add my own bonuses in on this template and that would be good to go and now the final thing before I leave you is if you’re a wordpress user and you want to basically integrate permission gorilla with your WordPress and use it inside of there with those pages you can do that with the very cool WordPress plug-in that commission gorilla provides you can just download it upload to WordPress and you’re good to go you can just use your code here to integrate the apps and you can then basically use commercial gorilla inside of WordPress so that’s all I’ve got to say about Commission gorilla v2 it’s a fantastic cool one that I’d want to use again and again for my promos it’s gonna save me a bunch of time and make me a bunch of money if you want to make more money with your promotions make sure you’re using Commission gorilla v2

Commission Gorilla