Cole Eicher’s Story: American Cancer Society Relay For Life

I love soccer because it’s fast, it’s enjoyable; it’s so fun to be with your friends. If you have a bad day or something, then they can pick you right up. It’s just been amazing team effort. I play midfielder and I like that position because you help other people to succeed. I am Cole Eicher and I am 13 years old. And, I am a brain cancer survivor. I found out when I had cancer. I was 12 years old. It was really surprising because I was a healthy kid. Right when I would get up in the morning, I would feel dizzy, nauseous, and then I would throw up. And, then I would get a bad headache. I didn’t know anyone who’s had a child that was diagnosed with cancer. It’s uncharted territory. It’s really, it’s like Mars and Earth.

We just thought it was just a growing process in my life. We found the cancer and it was in the back of my head. You don’t want to believe, but with MRIs, you clearly see it. My surgery was on Wednesday. Some of my cancer was wrapped onto my brain stem, and so they couldn’t touch my brain stem. So, I had to go through radiation and chemotherapy. I remember that. Very early on, children realize that they don’t have control over cancer. I remember these. You take it one day at a time so you don’t, you don’t really think of the upcoming days. You just say, okay, I’m gonna get through this one day, and then the next day is a new chapter. You like this for Nana? Yeah. The first time I participated in Relay For Life was before my cancer.

My grandma had cancer, so I did luminarias for her and I honored her. Then, of course, the next year he was diagnosed and that became the opportunity for all of his friends to come and support him. 1, 2, 3. Perfect. Good job, guys. I like going to Relay For Life events, and supporting them. It’s all about raising money, and getting the research, and it goes to a cure. Six months ago, I finished my last chemo. A lot of people in this world do not know that kids like me can get cancer just like me. We just need to raise awareness. I’ve raised over twenty thousand dollars for Relay For Life. I’m very proud of Cole. I’m very blessed to know that he has what he needs to succeed in life, and that’s the gift that this has given us.

The end of my treatment is just like a soccer game where your almost at the end, and you’re up by one zero, and you’re almost there, and you just gotta give a little bit more effort. That’s just how it is. I Relay because my grandma had cancer. I Relay because of me. And, I Relay because we can find a cure..