CDC report shows 94 percent of COVID-19 deaths had contributing conditions

Now, let’s talk about the coronavirus pandemic, new data from the centers for disease control and prevention shows how many americans, who have died from covet 19, also had underlying conditions. Dr scott shavers, with the mobile county health department, is joining. Us live dr shavers, which underlying conditions are the most prevalent. I cherish so. The underlying conditions that we see both at the national level state level and as well as here in mobile county, are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and then diseases that affect the lungs, so pneumonias, acute respiratory distress, syndromes and then renal disease. Okay. Now, according to that cdc report, only six percent of deaths have cova 19, as the only cause mentioned, so that means 94 percent of patients who died from coronavirus, also had other health conditions and contributing causes. What does that say to you? Well, it says that actually um we’re seeing the effect of of the virus of the cov sars co2 virus. So if you look at the um, the comorbidities or those diseases that are pointed out in the cdc report, those are conditions that either puts a person at a higher risk of contracting the sars a co2 virus or it will lead to worse outcomes. And it’s it’s just to be honest with you when we see a six percent with just sars cove two that tells us that the the rest of the reports probably incomplete, because just having that virus in your body doesn’t lead to death. What it’s the things that the virus will do to your body that actually leads you to hospitalizations and death right. So we do know now that someone can catch coveted twice after the man in nevada was documented as getting it a second time around. How worried should we be about getting it for a second time for those who have right, so to put it in context? This is the fourth case that’s been documented globally. What’S interesting about the nevada case is that we actually had genetic testing to confirm that this individual was infected by a second strain of the virus. So what that means is is, as someone travels and can come in contact to other strains that are circulating across the world um or if the the virus mutates. We are at an increased risk of a second infection now, what’s also interesting, is the other three cases that were globally. The the second infections were asymptomatic, um or non-existent, where in the case in nevada, the second infection actually was much much worse than the first, and that gives us some cause for concern. I think the scariest part for a lot of people, myself included, is being around someone who is asymptomatic and then getting it, and we talked about mardi gras at the top of the newscast, how important it is to people in our area. Well, people also look forward to the fair, and you know you never know if you’re going to be around someone who is asymptomatic, has anyone from the greater gulf state fair turn to the health department for guidance moving forward this year, not specifically um from the fair? What i did see, though, is they are delaying the opening of the fair. I haven’t seen what the postpone date would be, but the advantage there is if we can push it out to where we don’t have as many coveted cases in terms of the background prevalence. The safer it will be so football teams and affairs pushing the the dates out and hoping for a fewer prevalent cases is, is actually a good idea and dr chavers, the tables turned a few months ago. There were more reports of younger people, testing positive for cova 19 than older adults like we were seeing the beginning of the pandemic. What is the case right now? Well, it still maintains that. So if you’ll remember early on in the pandemic, we were specifically testing older individuals, and so that’s where you were seeing the rise as testing expanded around the end of june. We started to see the 24 year old to 49 year old age group start to contribute more cases than the other uh age groups. Then we saw this big big spike around july 4th and that’s where you know the the epidemic had had a chance to to kind of seed that age group and then, as the age group started, to mix and around the july. Fourth uh festivities. That’S where we started to get the um the very, very, pronounced up ticking cases. Now, if we look from july time frame to now that trend has really come down, but that age group, the 24 to 49 age group, is still comprising, i would say, almost twice – um the number of cases as the 65 and older age group all right. Thank you, dr shavers, and i know with labor day coming up a lot of people are concerned, so hopefully everyone will continue practicing social, distancing and wearing masks. Thank you again.