Why Email List Building Matters (Still) – Email List Building Course from LeadPages (1 of 9)

Welcome to the email list building course. My name is Bob The Teacher, the Market Educator here at LeadPages®. I’m excited to share this course with you to make sure you understand the power of email list building and nurturing for your business. Throughout these modules, I am going to be walking you through the exact same steps that we do here at LeadPages® to grow our lists and convert those subscribers into customers. I am going to be walking you through each of those modules here in Module Number One and make sure you understand the power of list building and list nurturing, why is it still an essential marketing strategy that you should have as a focal point for your business.

Let’s jump into Module Number One. In this entire course, I am going to be laying out for you, your email list building plan. I am going to walk you through each of the steps that you see here on the screen and make sure you have no problem executing it. That is what this course is all about. It’s designed to give you ideas for how to better your audience through your email marketing, create a semi-automated marketing system to turn more of your leads into customers and provide you with a marketing plan for email list building. Of course, I will be showing you how to lay out the steps to implement your plan as quickly as possible.

Now this course is designed for the established business owner with no or minimal email marketing plan in action. It’s also designed for the brand new businesses wanting to grow faster from the very beginning. If you are an experienced business owner who wants a refresher on the basics of email list building, you are going to really enjoy this course too. If this is the first time you and I have had a chance to work together, let me share just a brief little introduction. I am a business coach and online marketing trainer since 2006. List building has been a critical element of my own success. Since 2014, I have been the Marketing Educator here at LeadPages® which has given me a great inside look to what is working right now in conversion and with list building. I’ve also been a LeadPages® user since it started back in November of 2012 so I know exactly how to immigrate list building with the LeadPages® software too.

In my role as Marketing Educator here at LeadPages®, I get to host the LaunchPad New Customer Trainings. I facilitate the Advanced Office Hours Coaching Program every Tuesday afternoon and I’m also the Facilitator of the LeadPages® MasterMind. All of these are awesome ways for me to see inside of campaigns currently being run by LeadPages® customers and some of our colleagues. This course is brought to you by LeadPages® which is software that takes what has been tested and proven in marketing and just does it for you or as I like to put it, it’s the kind of thing that takes the heavy lifting of marketing out of your hands so you can focus on what you do best and enjoy the rewards of your business. Our software is currently generating over 6 million leads per month for us and our customers which number over 35,000 people and companies around the world.

We are also sending emails out on a regular basis to over 190,000 unique subscribers. And with multiple split tests happening all the time, we get an inside look as to what’s really working in email marketing for ourselves and for our customers. The information I am sharing with you in this course is based on literally billions of points of data and what’s really working now with email list building. Here at LeadPages®, we have four distinct email list building tools. They include LeadPages®, LeadBoxes®, LeadLinks™ and LeadDigits™. I will be talking a little about those along the way throughout this course. The first question we should answer of course is, what is email list building? In the short form, it’s simply leveraged communication with a growing group of subscribers so that you can increase your sales.

And what we want to do is optimize your content and marketing efforts towards gaining new subscribers and then nurturing those subscribers into repeat customers. Let me lay out for you your email list building plan. We are going to turn visitors into subscribers and take those subscribers down a journey to become buyers. Let’s start with your visitors. They are going to be coming to your blog posts and seeing your great content and hopefully, opting to receive your free gift and visit some kind of a thank you page.

Then, they will become a subscriber. Other visitors, will of course come to some kind of landing page that you have created where you will give away a report, a guide or some kind of a webinar registration. Once these visitors opt in and visit your thank you page, they’ll also become a subscriber. That’s when your email list marketing really takes over. They’ll start receiving follow-up messages from you that direct them to specific content or offers that you may happen to have. Over the series of a couple of days, or a couple of weeks, you will continue to communicate with these new subscribers in the hopes and in the targeted focus of turning them into customers by making sure you offer them something amazing that turns them into a buyer.

Now companies of all types and sizes can benefit from this email list building plan I am laying out for you. If you are a business-to-business kind of company, this is going to help you get more clients. If you are business-to-consumer, this is going to help you sell more of your products. And whether you have been business for decades or you are just starting out, this is the kind of plan that can give you that extra boost that you are looking for. Of course, email list building isn’t the only type of marketing you should be doing. It’s a key part of your overall marketing plan which includes social media, video, content marketing such as blogging, videos and webinars and of course, paid media traffic.

However, email list building should be your number one priority and all those roads should lead to your list because to be honest, all other marketing tactics can disappear in a flash, but your list and the relationship you build with your subscribers becomes your largest marketing asset and it’s something that you can absolutely control. Now I want to share a quick graphic with you to help illustrate the importance of list building and list building over time. What you’re looking at is a chart of new LeadPages® customers over the follow-up time it took for them to make the decision to join LeadPages®.

I imagine that you will see a similar graph in your business too. We took a sample set of a substantial number of our customers to do this evaluation and then we used the Y axis or the vertical axis to show the cumulative percentage of new customers who joined over time and on the horizontal axis or the X axis, the weeks of follow-up messages that they received before they joined LeadPages®. Now most businesses, of course, have some kind of follow-up sequence but they usually only do it for a few days, maybe a few weeks if they are lucky. What our internal analysis showed us really surprised us. Here are a few of our key discoveries. 25% of our new customers joined within one week of introduction which I think is pretty darn good but so many companies stop from that first week and they don’t maintain a consistent follow-up process which means that they are leaving a ton of money on the table and a ton of potential customers out in the wind by not following up with them.

We discovered that 50% of our customers were joining within one month. Again, I think that is a pretty good number but if we stopped there, we would have so many people who wouldn’t have eventually joined. New customers continue to join up to six months after first joining our list. What I want you to take away from this is to make sure that you are not just following up for a couple days or even a couple weeks but really should be doing it for several months to help as many people say yes to your products and services. Ask yourself the question, “how many customers do you lose because you aren’t following up with them?” That is what this course is about. Now you may be wondering if LeadPages® membership is required. Well it is not but it is highly recommended. This course is absolutely free courtesy of LeadPages®, including all the transcripts, handouts, videos and audios.

Even if you are not a customer, you can certainly benefit and apply most of these strategies into your business. However, I will show you how to make your marketing life easier by using LeadPages® to implement many of the strategies I’m sharing with you. Of course, I’m doing that because I’d love for you to become a customer but also because I know so many people who are watching this course are already customers.

I want to make sure they know how to use LeadPages® to implement these strategies. If you haven’t joined LeadPages® yet, we’ve got a special offer for you to buy LeadPages® at www.leadpages.net/listspecial. Of course, all of our membership levels come with a 30-day guarantee so go ahead and get started so you can try us out while you are implementing these email list building strategies for yourself. Now here is how I have laid out the remainder of the course. In the next module, I am going to show you how to create your list building monetized action plan. In Module Number 3, I am going to show you how to set up your traffic net. In Module 4, I am going to discuss the differences between using auto responders and broadcast messages to communicate to your subscribers. Then we are going to take a look at the slice bread system and I’ve got a great interview with our Head of Marketing Automation, Chris Davis, who is going to lay out for you how to make sure that you’re treating the way that they deserve and that will have the best profitable results for you.

In Module 6, I will lay out for you your first five messages to write in your follow-up sequence. In Number 7, we will talk about sales page conversions. In Module 8, I will bring another internal expert to you with an interview with Kyle Hail for Personalized Lead Nurturing. This will be an especially important module for you if your company solicits business with enterprises and larger corporations. Finally, we will wrap up with ongoing revenue strategies to maximize the revenue you are generating from your list. If you haven’t already done so, make sure you download the bonuses that I have made available for you. You get all 9 video modules, all 9 audio modules, handouts for each module, the transcripts as well and the email list building mindmap and checklist for this course. Simply click the button below to get all of this sent to your inbox right away, absolutely for free.

A quick disclaimer, you are responsible for your own results and the specific resources mentioned in this course are for demonstration purposes and do not imply a preference or an endorsement by LeadPages® necessarily. Also a quick note about email service providers. Pro and Advance members of LeadPages® can get new account savings on our Partner Offers Page. If you don’t have an email service provider yet, you may want to check out that partner offers page to get these special offers from our integration partners. They include AWeber, Infusionsoft, ActiveCampaign and GetResponse. Of course, we integrate with all the major email service providers but if you are starting from scratch and you need to join one, check these four out first and take advantage of our specially negotiated rates. When you are ready, head to Module 2 to create your list building map.
