What’s inside a VR Headset?

– Welcome back to What’s Inside. I’m Lincoln and this is Dan and today we’re going to cut open VR headsets. – These things are pretty cool, right? – Yeah! – We decided to go with the Google Daydream. I know there are a lot of crazy type of VR headsets that they have these days. We really like this one because if you get the Google Pixel phone, it’s integrated very well into the Daydream headset with the Daydream app. With the Google Daydream you can take this little pointer and point to the things and click on where you want to go.

You can even type in different things. YouTube even has a 360 app that has a ton of different VR experiences that are built into it. – You can go skydiving, swimming with sharks. – Christmas is a special time of year. It’s more than just presents. It’s about giving service. It’s remembering what it’s all about and we were challenged to #LightTheWorld which is find ways to give service. Now we’ve been able to give service a lot of ways that aren’t on camera but we wanted to show you one interesting way to light the world and to give service with the VR headsets.

I read an article that talked about how elderly people that are in nursing homes can actually have increased mood, that they can relieve depression by using VR headsets and it takes them into another world and they’re fascinated by it. So we decided to go to Fairbanks, Alaska, faraway from where we live, in the cold, and find some people in a nursing home, let them try the Google Daydream VR headset and see what they thought about it. So, before we cut this thing in half, let’s take you to Alaska and show you some of the people that we met and to see what it’s like to show this to people that remember what it’s like without even TV around. (calm music) This is our new friend, Al. Al, you have a birthday coming up, right? – Right. – January 27th? – Yup. – And what birthday is that going to be? – One zero zero. – One hundred years old. That is fascinating. You remember life before we even had TV, right? – Oh yes. – We’re going to get these VR goggles on and let you give it a try.

Do you want to see animals? Or do you want to do something interesting like see a skydiving or surfing. – How about under water? – Under water? – Yeah. – You want to be in a shark cage and see the sharks swimming around? – Sure, that’ll do. – Okay. So Al’s at work here. – Where’d he go? – [Dan] Where’d he go? (laughing) See any sharks? – Oh yes. (laughs) – All right. – [Lincoln] What’d you think of that? – Okay now, this is pre-cut stuff? – Yeah, so it’s like a video that somebody filmed, like a TV show and you just watch it. What did you think about that? – That’s pretty neat. – So this is a cool one. He’s in Africa and it’s in this big grass field and these elephants are slowly just coming, wandering over, they’re going to wander right up to the camera. – I can almost touch him! There’s his.

Woo! Something scared him. He’s over my head. (people laughing) Oh my gosh. He’s going to step on me. He’s backing off. – [Dan] Good. – Oh my God. There’s another one. He was right over by me. – [Dan] So neat how real it feels. – Oh my gosh, it really does. – [Dan] What do you think about that? – That’s great, terrific. – Come on, come on. (inspirational music) – [Dan] We’ll leave it here and then– – Oh, you’re going to leave it? – [Dan] Yeah, we’re going to leave this here so the staff will have it so if you ever want to do it, just ask them.

– No kidding! – Say, “Hey I want to go in the ocean, “can you help me go in the ocean?” And then they can set it all up and bring you in here and show you. Does that sound good? – Yeah, it does! – It was so cool because they were like smiling and laughing and they were scared at some parts. – That was really, really fun and touching to see their reactions. I mean, that’s what Christmas is all about, right? Like, helping people and giving service. Seeing the smiles on their face, the life that they lived and how grateful they are for little things.

It’s just really moving. For now, let’s take this thing apart and see how the thing works. So when you look inside of it, it has the two little places for your eyes that are kind of like, I don’t know, magnifying glasses that are there and then the phone goes in there and when you turn the phone on and you push the button that turns it into the VR, you can see there’s two different windows on there. Those two images combined with this, these two magnifying glasses are kind of what make the world look a certain way that they do. But then the phone is the one that makes it so that when you look around, it knows. It’s self-stabilized so it knows to look around the room. When we were leaving the nursing home, we actually saw in their case this old school version of like a VR headset from like, I don’t even know when, from a long time ago just with pictures where you’d look at it and it would put it in 3D. I would imagine that’s where some of the technology originates from.

Let’s go get this thing cut open and then let’s take a close look inside of it. Sound good? – Yup! (sawing) – [Dan] Oh, we got it! That was super easy. It still kind of works. Let’s take it to my buddy. (laughing) – I’ve got my emergency mustache. – Was I really gone that long? Okay, mustache, here you go, check it out. – All I see is like a big red dot. – I can totally see your eyes in there. That’s funny. Hello, Mustache. All right, Lincoln shaved during that break. Looking clean and nice. So I’d like to take out this. But I don’t want to use the saw so one of these sides we’re going to keep as a half, the other one let’s take apart just to see what it looks like.

Well, there goes that section right there. That was pretty easy. So we took out the foam. And now it just looks like that. Oh, it has three little hinges right there all around it so I think it just kind of snaps in. I think if we could click on that. Oh, here we go. Look at that. I just barely clicked on it and it came out. Look at that. We didn’t even have to use a saw. You can kind of see it when you put it right there. But I’m upside down. – Oh, your teeth are crazy! Your teeth were like down right here. – Yeah, that was pretty funny. So this is the brains of it all, right there. That’s pretty much it that’s inside of these things. – Well, the brains is kind of the cell phone. – Yeah, the cell phone’s definitely the brains. You’re right. And then this is just all there to give you a dark space. Pretty neat how they have them the perfect distance away from your eyes so that you can see things properly.

This is a really cool experience. I hope you enjoyed it. Go to our family channel and you can watch all of our experiences from Alaska because– – [Lincoln] We had some fun things happen. And scary, and cold. – It was cold. We did some challenges that were kind of fun. (inspirational music).

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