U.S. Coronavirus Cases Top 100,000 As Trump Demands Praise From Governors | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Day 1163 of this Trump administration 221 days to go until our next presidential election and it’s been 16 days since the World Health Organization declared coronavirus a global pandemic. If you didn’t see today’s White House briefing, mostly good news from the president, just some random quotes here and they are quotes. Ventilators are a big deal. We’re gon na have plenty of ventilators. I think we’re very close on the vaccine thing. What we’ve done. Nobody can even imagine, we’re very strong on quarantine.

The federal government’s done a hell of a job. A lot of incredible things are happening. Finally, these two quotes were beating it and we’re winning the battle. Now, back in the real world, it’s been a hell of a 24 hours. The u.s. went over 100,000 cases, we lead the world tonight and then some eight days ago, we reported 18,000 at this time of night.

Today the President signed that two trillion dollar rescue bill and he is now officially using that defense production act allowing him to basically take over supply lines and force.

Companies like General Motors to make ventilators, are a big deal and we’ve delivered thousands of them and oftentimes. You don’t need ventilators, very much. Hospitals, don’t have very many and now we’re turning out that we have to produce large numbers. We thought that we had to deal with as an example General Motors and I guess they thought otherwise they didn’t agree, and now they do agree.

Last night you told Sean Hannity. You didn’t think that there was a need for 30 or 40,000 ventilators. Yet today, basically federalized general motors to produce tens of thousands, but I think there’s a very good chance. We won’t need that many and I think, frankly, there’s a great chance that we’re not going to need that many. But you know what there are a lot of other people that are going to need them. We have countries all over the world that are friends of ours and we will help those countries for days this president has resisted using that defense production act to mobilize private industry. This morning he attacked GM over a supposed deal to make ventilators and suggested he’d be taking action.

There have been days of reporting from across the nation about growing and severe shortages of critical medical supplies. Images like this, a New York neurologist wearing makeshift personal protective equipment while trying to save as many lives as possible. Governors have been begging Washington for help. Were told by Trump do what you can on your own, you’re, now a sampling of the problems they are facing. Yes, the states are competing against one another when we’re purchasing things. There’s no question, that’s happening. It would be better if we weren’t living at a time when we were competing with other states and in fact, the federal government, which often buy it out from under us, but that’s our reality, but this is not the way to do it. This is ad hoc, I’m competing with other states, I’m bidding up other states on the prices when I called these ventilator manufacturers.

In one case they told me I was competing with FEMA to acquire ventilators. I stand here as someone who has had confirmed orders for millions of pieces of gear evaporate in front of us, and I can’t tell you how frustrating it is that allotment of PPE didn’t cover one shift. We, as Americans shouldn’t be bidding against one another. We should be able to harness the federal power to ensure that everyone got what they need. It goes without saying these governors aren’t making stuff up this afternoon. The president complained about the governors who are not showing enough appreciation. I want them to be appreciative. I don’t want them to say things that aren’t true. I want them to be appreciative.

We have done a job, the likes of which nobody’s seen when they’re, not appreciative to me. They’re, not appreciative to the Army Corps there, not appreciative to FEMA. Its not right. These people aren’t, they were working 24 hours a day, NBC News reporting Trump’s push to reopen our country by Easter Sunday. Getting resistance from within aides are worried that giving specific timelines or dates could backfire. There was some evidence watching that briefing today he might be dialing back a bit on Monday. It will be the end of the 15 days, just love the spread of the virus. Do you expect that you will simply renew the guidelines, or do you expect there could be some modifications and we’ll be sitting down on Monday or maybe Tuesday, depending on which is the best for everybody and we’ll be making that determination? Okay, we’ll be making it by the way, obviously we’re not doing it for New York. We are talking about possibly other parts of the country which really aren’t affected to any major degree, or maybe we won’t do that because maybe at the advice of a lot of very talented people that do this for a living, they won’t want to do that. They won’t want to expose anything they want to do it all at one time. These are the kind of things we’ll be talking about.

Today. On the day House, members had to rush back to Washington on virtually empty aircraft to vote on that emergency relief package. In a socially distance House chamber, we learned that a fourth House member has indeed tested positive the reason for the House members hasty return at a time. One’S travel is strongly discouraged, one guy one Republican member of Congress from Kentucky Thomas Massie, the areas he failed in his attempts to force a recorded, not voice vote and the bill was passed. Most of his colleagues are furious at him. Some said so out loud on the House floor tonight, the White House released this photo from the president’s bill. Signing a few hours later couple things here: the lack of social distancing, the lack of even a single Democrat, at least the president handed out pens to everybody. Standing behind him, shoulder to shoulder so now they have that keepsake.

Lets hope. That’s all they have Speaker – Pelosi was not invited to the event, not even as a courtesy. It was a straight party-line gathering. We saw the President signed the bill and he was a dangerous president. It was so sad to hear him say as he signed the bill just think back 20 days 20 days ago, everything was great. Everything was great and now, 20 days later, we have this challenge. No twenty days ago, we had nearly 500 cases – 17 deaths. We had the threat that he chose to ignore. Meanwhile, as New York remains the center of the outbreak with the most cases New Orleans, Chicago Philly and Detroit are also seeing a surge in cases.

The numbers are on the rise in Florida, where Governor Ron de santis has decided to issue a full stay at home order, he’s focusing on keeping visitors out of the state. There are now even checkpoints into the Florida Keys to keep tourists away. I will be adding to my New York executive order. We will be requiring the same for travelers from New Orleans Louisiana and other parts of Louisiana to self-isolate for 14 days, so the vacation rentals will be suspended for two weeks. If you’re in one now, then you know finish and go home. Hey, there. I’M Chris Hayes from MSNBC thanks for watching MSNBC on YouTube. If you want to keep up to date with the videos we’re putting out, you can click subscribe just below me or click over on this list to see lots of other great videos?