Trump Blasts States And Fights With Media As Coronavirus Deaths Soar | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

In case you missed today’s White House briefing again, mostly good news from the president. Unless that is you live in one of the states. The president said just today, we have States a lot of states. Territories problem is he’s not happy with the states. He took a swing at governors for not being thankful enough. He thinks the state should have been prepared for this pandemic, even though he seemed upbeat on the pandemic. Just today he said it’s not gon na be long. This is ending. This will end. You’Ll see some bad things and you’ll see some very good. Things were healing. He said we’re getting better we’re getting better very quickly. He reminded everyone. This was artificially induced, not his fault and insisted out loud. It is going away. He and his people announced today. The CDC now recommends we cover our faces. When we go out, the president then went on to say he won’t be covering his don’t imagine. He would love that photograph and then he said six times that wearing a face covering is voluntary and that it’s for a period of time. In other news, the president blamed the Obama administration. He wants to turn now to infrastructure and he said the election in November. Should be in person voting no voting by mail, he added everyone should have to present a voter ID card with a picture on it. Of course, that’s not up to him still. It was a lot today again, however, in the world, as we face it tonight, our country set a new record for death. Today, we head into another weekend with nearly half the planet living under some form of lockdown. Nearly 4 billion people are now under some type of a directive to stay inside and avoid gathering in public places avoid contact. Leaving some of the busiest places on our planet now abandoned in the US. More states have seen the light, they’re telling people to stay at home tonight. Governors in Alabama, Missouri and Mississippi have now issued new statewide orders. The worldwide number of infected is now well north of a million and climbing the outbreak in this country means more than 275 thousand people are known to be infected more than seven thousand dead. Just a reminder: we don’t know how many people have this virus, just in the past 24 hours, more than 32,000 new confirmed cases nearly 2,000 new deaths. That is the backdrop for the latest guidelines from the White House announced late this afternoon. They apply to all of us advising Americans to protect themselves and each other by wearing masks. The CDC is advising the use of non-medical cloth face, covering as an additional voluntary public health specialist. I don’t think I’m gon na be doing it, but you have a lot of ways. You can look at it as follows: the CDC that can be either purchased online or simply made at home, probably material that you’d have at home. These face coverings can be easily washed or reuse. I want to emphasize that the CDC is not recommending the use of medical grade or surgical grade masks. You can do it, you don’t have to do it, I’m choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it and that’s okay. It may be good, probably well, they’re, making a recommendation. It is only a recommendation somehow sitting in the Oval Office. Behind that beautiful, resolute desk, the great resolute desk, I think, wearing a face mask as I greet presidents. Prime minister’s dictators kings queens, I don’t know somehow I don’t see it for myself, while the president was making that announcement along with side comments. The first lady was giving her own advice on social media and we quote as the weekend approaches. I asked that everyone takes social, distancing and wearing a mask slash face covering seriously the pandemic stolen on New York has accelerated. Today, the state reported its highest daily rise in deaths, 562 soles lost. Just since yesterday, New York is the hardest-hit state of all 50 with well over a hundred thousand confirmed cases. Now nearly three thousand dead, that’s just in the state of New York facing increasing shortages of ventilators and personal protective equipment. Governor Cuomo says he’ll use the National Guard now to take medical supplies from hospitals where they’re not in use and deploy them where they’re needed today. Trump was asked about the need for equipment and what it might arrive. Can you assure New York that goes into next week that they’re gon na have the ventilators that they’re gon na need? No, they should have had more ventilators at the time they should have had more ventilators. They were totally under serviced. We are trying to do we’re doing our best for New York. We have other states to take care of. We have a big problem in Louisiana. We have a big problem in Michigan we have a big problem and seven other really strong hotspots as cities and states struggle to get the equipment they desperately need. The president today defended his son in law’s assertion that it wasn’t the administration’s problem. Yesterday, Jared Kushner said the notion of the federal stockpile: was it supposed to be our stockpile? Its not supposed to be state stockpiles that they then use. What did he mean by our new our you know what our means, the United States of America. Nothing either not supposed to be state stockpiles that, because we need it for the government and we needed for the federal government. But when the states are internode to also keep to keep for a country. Because the federal government needs not just the states. For good measure, when that little exchange was over, the president called the reporter’s line of questioning nasty. The economic picture is also looking bleaker by the day. Sadly, yesterday we learned nearly 10 million Americans are now out of work. Today’S jobless report shows more than 700,000 jobs were cut. The Wall Street Journal calls it just the start of a much deeper labor market collapse under way due to the corona virus pandemic Congress, for its part, is preparing to move on a fourth phase of relief for Americans Senate Majority Leader Mitch, McConnell telling the AP today He’S spoken with Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and health care will be a top priority, different story when it comes to the president, potentially talking with the speaker junkie, who are important to talk to. I talked to her, if it were important for the American people. I talked to it by Senate Democrats, meanwhile, calling for a formal investigation into the firing of the Navy captain who sounded the alarm over the spread of the illness onboard his nuclear aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt. This is how the crew, men and women under captain brett-brett Crozier’s command, saw him off the bridge last night, [Applause, ], [Applause, ], and with that he was relieved of his command. Hey, there, I’m Chris Hayes from MSNBC thanks for watching MSNBC on YouTube. If you want to keep up to date with the videos we’re putting out, you, can click subscribe just below me or click over on this list to see lots of other great videos?