[Profit Revealed] How I Am Currently Making $10 000/Day | Shopify Dropshipping Journey 2019

Hey guys to celebrate, hitting half a million dollars in sales, I’m gon na be revealing to you guys how I’m currently scaling to 10k plus the day and I’m gon na be revealing with you. The revenue the ad spend and the profit as well. So basically, you’ll get access and you’ll see my Shopify dashboard. You will see my ads manager basically and you’ll, also see all the metrics dashboard so make sure to say till the end of the video, because I will make a pop-up and I will basically show you a winning product that you can test. That is a potential winning product so make sure to say till the end of the video.

So you don’t miss a potential winner as well. So in my last video I talked about how how I’ve been penalized by Facebook. Basically, I had low customer feedback score and my ads got heavily penalized, and here you can see the revenue was very, very low and even on some days I was just losing money. I was working very, very hard for several weeks now to improve my customer feedback score and we finally managed to make it better. You know I’m still penalized, but it’s still, but it’s just way better than before.

You know and as you can see so I was at 1k a day. You know it’s just basically scaled very, very quickly, I’m just scaling very quickly. So, let’s just show you from Sunday or let’s just show you from here Saturday till now, so I was making so you know on Saturday. I think this is Saturday I made 1k basically 1,300. Then I just decided: ok right now, I can scale before Chinese New Year’s.

So I just scaled to 3k. Yesterday was 7.7 K and today I’m already at 8 K and it’s still half a day. You know it’s still. I still have a half a half day left, so I’m scaling very quickly right now, as you can see, you know it’s still.

12 p.m.

So there’s still a lot of time so right now, let’s go into ads manager. Ok! So right now we’re at my ads manager – and this is just one one of my biggest scaling campaigns currently and here you can see like I’m launching a ton of $ 100 a day at sets, and that is because I have a proven winner that I’ve been Selling for three months and just right now, I just got rid just slightly – have less penalisation, so I know I can scale more.

So that’s why I’m doing hundred dollar assets per day, and I just launched a ton of them. You can see here so many. You know I’m like, I think like there is like 50 assets or something probably like like a lot of assets here you know probably like 40 or something assets, you know at $ 100 per day, and so what I’m doing is with them is I’m usually like Narrowing it down by the best age ranges, so I’m basically looking at the breakdown and I’m looking, I’m just breaking it down by age, gender, also by placement. So if it’s Facebook, feed or Instagram feed and also by the device. So if it’s like an iPod iPad, desktop iOS device or Android device, and basically what I’m doing is, let’s say I have five interest ad sets.

So basically, I would duplicate five of them and just target desktop and then duplicate another five of them and target just iOS devices and duplicate them so many times and just testing what works the best. You know for my products I found the desktop is actually working. The best like people on computers are just converting the most for my product. You know, so I’m basically doing that. I’M also testing a lot of look-alikes, so I’m used track.

If I and I use a lot of the 10 % 15 % and 20 % look-alikes – and I just basically target us as one look like and the second look like I took, I just target a UK with Canada together and basically with look-alikes. I just test everything that’s possible, so video views, 50 %, 75 %, 95 % view content, Add to Cart, initiate checkout purchase and there’s also add to payment info from track Fi which I’m using as well for look-alikes. So, basically, I’m testing all the percentages in tract. If I’d, that has it’s like 1 %, 2 %, 3 % all the way to 10, 15 and 20, so I’m testing all of that also, I’m testing them on US, Canada and UK together. What I’m also doing is I’m doing also a lot of interest targeting as well.

You know interest targeting are like a lot of interest. Targeting are actually doing way better than look likes guys, so don’t be just so focused on like when, should I start look likes? You know really like interest at sets. Like you know, this is like an interest at set and it’s just really crushing into realize seven. You know, and a lot of people are asking me about targeting guys, so my plug is in one niche and I’m just targeting like all the different niches like like this ad set is cooking.

You know it’s totally unrelated. You know, then this one is healthy diet. This is completely unrelated to the product, you know, but stinks i scaled so much. I can just launch. I can just launch ad sets with no interest and they’re also doing pretty well.

You know I think like here. Oh, this is a campaign budget, optimization yeah, optimization campaign, and this is like just no interest basically so yeah. This is no interest. This is no interest, you know and it’s working working very well. It’S just different placement.

This is iPhone, desktop iPad and Android. So it seems like iPhone, is working very, very poorly for my product. Also, I want to show you guys retargeting, so I do a lot of retargeting. I teach my students a lot like how IRA target, and basically I use several methods. The first method that I’m showing you guys is DP a dynamic product ads, and this is so.

This is doing very well. You can see like 9 growers, I just launched it. I think yesterday, you know this is 1500s. 1600S. 1150 in 11.

You know so this is performing very, very well, so I’m just testing everything for retargeting. I also like what I wanted to cover for retargeting a lot of people they just retarget. Here’S retarget add to cart and view content right, I’m just like retargeting everything, so I’m retargeting people who engage with my ad. I also retarget people who initiate checkout there’s also that top 5 % time spent I’m also retargeting those. I also retarded people who Add to Cart twice on my store, basically like everything that is possible.

You know I also retarget video viewers as well with different products. You know so you know like for people who viewed my main product. I just retarget them for different products as well. You know it’s just a lot of retargeting a lot of different angles and basically, what is my method is just do a lot of testing and test as much as possible. You know target people with all angles.

Make sure to have a lot of different video ads, so you want to have the one one main one. Then you need a video review ad. Then you need some images. You know that you can use for retargeting. Then you need to do DP a retargeting as well, and basically the thing is, you know how my product is still crushing it after three months is because I have my only unique video with a review that nobody else really has.

You know and that’s why I like, because my video is unique. It’S still just crushing it to this day, even after three months since scaling, I started scaling this product in October and it’s still going strong. It’S still going strong after. I think it’s almost four months right October, sorry November December and right now, so it’s almost four months and it’s still going strong. You know so a lot of people.

They focus too much on like one day: click or seven day, click narrow it down by engage shoppers or not narrowing down, and that shit doesn’t really matter guys. You should be really focusing on. You should be really focusing on your ad creatives, so you need to have a really good foam nails. Your really good video ads. If you have custom video as like that you made your own or that you outsource and so on, to do professionally.

That will help you guys a lot. You know and review videos too so much because when we are drop, shipping, there’s kind of like lack of trust. People are not sure like if you’re like a scammer or stuff like that and like review videos, work really well for retargeting, even for like cold cold audiences, it still works really well, okay, so yeah. Let me show you something else, so I’m also scaling with campaign budget optimization, I’m testing something small right like 1000 at like 250 and 500 dollars. You know so basically, I’m just testing everything, okay guys!

So now let’s talk about the profit, then okay, so let’s just refresh this and see you know what is happening today so right now, it’s like kinda, 12 right now, it’s twelve twelve PM of the ad account. So we still have. We still have another like 12 hours till the end of the day, and right now we’re at order metrics so order. Metrics is a Shopify app that just tracks tracks your profit right and basically, I’m gon na show you like the the progression. Basically so on Saturday.

I made so this was this was the first day I kind of started scaling, because my penalisation just got better and you know you can see so it was still very, very bad. You know just it’s eight percent profit. I was still struggling like the days before I was losing money. So, let’s check the day before it’s very bad, I think yeah, okay, so yeah I lost. I lost like a hundred hundred dollars like the conversion, like I don’t know a while, but like Facebook, how?

When they penalize me, like my conversion rate, was just 1 %, you know and then all of the sudden like without any changes the next day, so the next day, it’s 3.6 percent. You know it’s really weird stuff that happens when you’re at account and your Facebook page gets penalized. So really guys. Take care of your customer feedback score.

Make sure to ship fast make sure to have good customer service. The more vs you have usually the better. You know have 24-hour support with navi ace, so then, let’s look at the next day, so the next day I really increase my ad spend as well, and that day we are at 3,700 revenue and 16 percent profit. So it is starting to get better right and, as you guys can see, you know my average order profit that day was $ 45. So that’s why I like, when you see costs per purchase, you know here, you know: cost will purchase $ 16 $ 20 yeah.

My average is like $ 21. This is still profitable. For me. You know this is still profitable because the product it cost like $ 40. I sell it for $ 40 right and if I would just calculate my normal profit, it would be 25 bucks.

You know so I thought I would be making like three dollars and fifty cents per order right, but that is not reality, because I really optimized my store and my back-end systems to increase my average order value. So, instead of instead of my average order value to be $ 40, it is 56 and the profit is way higher. You know so here you know here what I also really like about Auto metrics. You know you can see here the net profit, the profit margin, the average ordered profit. This is what I use to determine like when to cut ads.

You know, you know, because before I fought like 25 dollars is a break-even point of the product. This is what I would kill, but right now I know that it’s $ 35, the break-even point, so I can. I can spend a little bit longer. Okay, so what else can I show you guys, so that was a hat spent, so that was a ad spent 1,700 yeah. There was 1007 yeah $ 1,700 and I was like okay, so this is going well.

My profit margins are going up, revenue is going up, so I just decided to go really really like aggressive. So what I did is I raised my ad spend by $ 4,000 overnight and of people they’re thinking like. Oh, it’s really crazy right, but the thing guys is, I added four thousand dollars in ad spend extra, but I also throughout the day I kill assets. They are not performing well, so I kill them. You know and when we, when we look at the next day, that’s basically yesterday, that’s Monday, so we are at 1700 dollars at spent and it ended up being 3700.

So basically I killed half of the ads. You know, and at that day there was seven thousand seven hundred dollars in revenue and I’m still testing a lot of assets. You know it’s very very much so it’s 14 percent profit. Oh yeah, one $ 1,000 profit that day and I was like okay. So this is going really well Chinese New Year is approaching, so I want to really maximize, like my cells before I kill everything.

So basically I decided to add another four thousand dollars in ad spend. You know like the next day for today, which is today right. So, let’s check how today is going so, let’s just refresh that and see what’s happening, okay, so we are currently at eight thousand six hundred dollars in sales and the profit margin is 23 %. You know so it’s improving. So that’s that’s really great guys.

So you know, as you can see, the average order profit is $ 30. For me, this is what I’m looking at. You know I’m not looking at the break-even point $ 25, I’m looking at $ 30 yeah, so basically, what’s also very good, with what’s very good, with profit order. Metrics is that you see the ad spend per order, like average on average, I’m spending $ 18 and 80 cents. For that I can see the net profit.

You know guys. So basically, you know this is. This is how I’m currently scaling adding a lot of hundred dollar assets and scaling like really aggressively and horizontally. You know our launching Lots, assets and killing them quickly. You know I’m not doing a lot of vertical scaling.

This just didn’t work so well I’ll, be testing. It more, but this has been working really well a lot of people. They asked me about like if I do manual bidding. To be honest, I never tried manual bidding mostly. What I’m focusing on is just horizontal scaling and just adding so many assets at hundred dollars.

Sometimes I was doing 150, I think in November I was doing $ 500 at sets. You know I was also doing campaign budget optimization at 500 or 1000 dollars, and this is the way I’m scaling. You know I don’t really like manual bidding. I just like everything on automatic, and you know I just focus on – I just focus on basically like finding out new audiences thinking about my life thinking about my niche and like figuring out new interests that I can target new look-alikes. You know, and just figure out like everything that I can test.

Basically, you know thank you so much for watching my videos. It really. I really appreciate it because, like my videos are pretty boring, you know and just like having you watch the whole video. It just really means a lot to me. You know, and I really appreciate all your support if you can’t do something for me.

Please share this. Video with some friends we just want to extra motivation or who are thinking about drop shipping. You know, and they want to see someone’s whole journey document it on the YouTube. So please make sure to share with them. My youtube channel tell them basically that I shared my whole like journey on YouTube and you know: share it to them and subscribe to my channel I’ll have a great day and see you in the next video

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