New Research Identifies Which Masks Are Most Effective Against Coronavirus | TODAY

This morning the battle over masks is raging nationwide. We can’t continue half worried, mass and half rejecting science. I won’t be doing it personally. It’S a recommendation. Okay in City Council meetings, you literally cannot mandate somebody to wear a mask in stores and even in the halls of Congress. Unfortunately, this simple, life-saving practice has become part of the political debate. I am very concerned, speaking to senators Tuesday, dr. Anthony foul she making the startling prediction. The US could soon have a hundred thousand new kovat cases a day unless Americans take precautions, there’s no doubt that wearing masks protects you and gets you to be protected. So it’s people protecting each other, the US Surgeon, General begging Americans – to take those words to heart. Please, please, wear a face covering when you go out in public, as politicians and health officials coast to coast continue to hammer the point home put on the mask. It’S not complicated. California’S governor, even threatening financial penalties for rule breakers, we’ll be doing more to focus on enforcement in this state. A new study shedding light on just how effective certain masks can be. Researchers at Florida, Atlantic University used a laser to measure how far droplets go with different coverings and found a well-fitting homemade mask stitched with two layers of fabric kept particles. Just a couple inches away. A bandana was the least effective, allowing those same droplets to travel more than 3 feet away. The scientists say without any masks, particles from coughs and sneezes fly more than eight feet. Do you think it’s a good idea to ask people to wear their masks. Yeah so know why you can catch the corona out on the streets of Miami Beach, where masks are now mandatory. Most people we spoke with were on board. If it saves lives, I definitely have for it. I don’t want to not wear my mask over on my parents and then I take the vise around them: people, thinking of others, a positive sign in the midst of a still stormy debate. It’S interesting Sam. This caught my the investment bank, Goldman Sachs, actually came out with a study on the impact masks, could have not on public health but on the economy. Tell us about it. Yeah. The bottom line of this study is pretty amazing Savannah. They found that the National masks mandate were there to be one would be more effective than lockdowns and could save the u.s

About five percent of its GDP last year, GDP was twenty one point four trillion, which is to say it could save the u.s. more than a trillion dollars. You