Neck Pain | acupuncture neck pain

Got neck pain… here’s something to consider… Acupuncture, Alexander technique may be effective for long-term relief of chronic neck pain Reported in ACP Internist, researchers conducted a 3-group, randomized controlled trial in the U.K. primary care setting. Researchers recruited 517 patients from 33 general practices in 4 cities. Patients had neck pain lasting at least 3 months and no serious underlying pathology. The study population was predominantly female (69%) and white British (90%) patients, with a mean age of years. Median duration of prior neck pain was 72 months. Patients were randomized to 12 acupuncture sessions or 20 one-to-one Alexander lessons (both 600 minutes total). Acupuncture sessions and Alexander technique lessons both led to significant reductions in neck pain and associated disability compared with usual care at 12 months. Comment: chronic neck pain is awful so this study provides some hope..
