My Hickman line Removal

Just stretching your skin you don’t just gently pull a tissue away from top skill this is why I have to freeze like so high up I can see and sometimes literally all it takes is one thread of yeah is it attached there’s probably 2 centimeters were you exposed mm-hmm the very top where you were I can’t if you want I want to do it I do now rather than yeah no wait yeah just tiny bit I feel at the top that’s it for a minute okay okay good so you want a steak knife just cut the meat off the bone so did the job that you got from the drugstore yes what it’s just the other end I have to see one time I went to all this trouble freezing and get it all prepped so go 10 15 minutes and I literally open it up and a fella you took his second it was like oh so I guess we don’t have to worry about that the attachment part yeah it was like amazing it just kind of went bop bop alright other time lots of different reasons in the training that the lion sees in for a long time that’s what I’m here for to work out yeah and there’s usually one spot yes and some people have better local connective tissue or tighter tissue than other people’s surgery here scar tissue tiny everything oh that’s why they call you a vision you must be patient wellness in the states they pronounced a difference pea sent I see are you looking at a mirror okay okay I feel meat ugly that’s about it that’s about it have my cousin watch this shit right now yeah now’s the time that’s what I was taking you all this slide it pretty cool huh that looks a little different than the what do you call it pretty cool

As found on Youtube