How to Automatically Transcribe Video files into Text Using YouTube

Hello. Welcome to this video on how to automatically transcribe videos using YouTube. My name is David from By default, anyone that has a Gmail account has a YouTube account. I’m logged in into my Gmail account and automatically into my YouTube account and all I need to do is click on the upload button. I want to upload a video file that I need YouTube to automatically transcribe for me. YouTube uses its Google engine to automatically convert speech to text. The time it takes for YouTube to automatically transcribe your video into text depends on two things.

Number one is the accent of the video and number two is the length of the video. Now, let me upload my file and I’ll select the test sample for how to auto transcribe video files using YouTube and I’ll click on Open. Once I do that the file will upload onto YouTube ready for the publish. Depending on the length of your video and the size of the video, it may take a couple of minutes to hours for the video to upload onto YouTube. Mine just took a couple of seconds to do that and once it’s done all I’ll need to do is just hit on the Publish button. By default, any video that is uploaded on YouTube is automatically captioned. How does this work? By automatically captioning the video YouTube automatically transcribes it.

Why is YouTube doing this? YouTube is doing this automatic captioning and transcription to improve on the SEO of videos. Number two, to increase accessibility of media, and number three, as an added advantage for people that are deaf and hard of hearing to also access the media that is being put out on YouTube. And that is why they came up with this awesome feature. I’ll hit the Publish button on my video but if I wanted to do any edits I can just come and do any edits here. We can see the Advanced Settings. Everything is okay there so I’ll just go to my Video Manager and once I’m in my Video Manager I’ll click on the Edit button.

Once I click on that I’ll just click on Subtitles and CC, and I’ll be prompted to select the language my video is set in. My video is set in English so I’ll just do that and then select Set Language. If this is your work not a client’s work, you can set the default for new uploads and automatically all videos will be in English. But I’ll just set this one, set the language to English and by default YouTube will start automatically transcribing my content and once it’s done the captions will appear here.

Please note that this may take a while. Depending on the length of your video, YouTube may take between a minute to a day to automatically transcribe the video. If you’re a freelancer and you’re using this method to automatically transcribe your videos, ensure that the work you want to use with this method is not work that is required in the next couple of hours, that is if it’s got some long file, let’s say about an hour. But you can leverage this process to help you automatically transcribe video files and then all you need to do is proofread and edit making changes where necessary. Let’s take a breather and we’ll be back and see if our video has been automatically transcribed. After a couple of minutes, I will go back to the Subtitles and CC tab and voila! YouTube automatically published the captions for my video. It auto-transcribed my 56-second video and appended captions to the video.

If I open this video and play it, you’ll see what I mean that it automatically transcribed the content. “Hello and welcome to another tutorial on how to automatically…” You may need to click the CC button for the subtitles to show and it will tell you that these are English auto-generated captions. If I go back a little bit, “Hello and welcome to another tutorial on how to automatically transcribe your audio or video files using Google Documents. Google Docs short for Google Documents is an awesome tool to do this work. Now, what do we need to do on this one? Anyone that owns a Gmail account has a Google Docs account. Now, the first option we’ll need to do we’ll need to do a quick search for Google Docs on and the first result that comes up is the Google Docs page.

Just click on that and the new page that will load is the About page for Google Docs. Just select the option to go to Google Docs and this will prompt you to select from what document you want to begin from. For this video I want to start from Blank Document. Now, the only limitation to this process is that you need a very good, at least a fairly good internet connection to do this process.” It is possible to appreciate the awesome work that YouTube has done to automatically transcribe our video and append it into captions. Automated captions and transcripts are good for just general viewing but as you have seen, there is no punctuation.

Number two, there’s too much text on screen for captions, and number three, some of the words are not what I’ve said. But it does a very good job considering that English is a second language to me and I’m not a native. You can also come in to the automatic captions here and edit your transcripts. But for this video all we wanted to do is that we wanted to get our transcript and it’s not possible to download the transcript as a text file. Therefore, kindly see the video on the top right on how to download captions on YouTube or subtitles on YouTube as text. Thank you so much for watching this video. Please share, subscribe, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you..

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