Compare Meeting Facilitation Tools (Feedback Frames pt. 3)

As a meeting facilitator your goal is to help get all the ideas and opinions heard, and come to some group agreements. The type of tools you choose, can make all the difference. Using a flip chart, only one person can speak at a time. Which makes it slow. And just a few individuals can easily suck up a huge bite of meeting time. Even with a good facilitator, many individuals may not contribute much at all. In a worst case, an argument may erupt with no useful conclusion. Using sticky notes, everyone can write ideas. Its equal opportunity and very efficient. But where is the priority? You might try voting, like with dot stickers, but that can easily fail, for many reasons. Like choice overload, where you have too many options to compare.

Or the bandwagon effect, where people just follow the crowd. And it’s super easy for not so nice people to cheat. Results may look clear, but they are actually false. We need a better meeting tool. That’s why I invented Feedback Frames. After ideas are written, participants drop one token per Frame to record their opinion and sign the sheet. They can also write comments. Everyone contributes equally, intelligently and efficiently. Votes are private and anonymous. And no one sees the results until the end, which avoids the bandwagon effect. With a flip of the covers, we see what we think. You’ll be amazed how many agreements you’ll get so quickly and so easily. These are early prototypes we made by hand.

Thanks Mom and Dad. With your help, we are going to manufacture these….