ClickMSG REVIEW| ClickMSG REVIEWS | ClickMSG DEMO | ClickMSG BONUS alright guys this is your friend civil and today i want to show you an all new ClickMSG DEMO product that is going to help you get even more success with facebook marketing but first let’s visit facebook ad manager if you are there now you will see a new ad format called messenger so right here messenger is the latest innovation from facebook something that lets you send personal instant messages on facebook and response to add clicks so if anyone kicks on your facebook ad just like the one right over here they will receive a ClickMSG REVIEW personal message with whatever you put in right in their facebook inbox this is new and it’s very powerful because hundred persons of people who click on your ad will see your message and you can boost your sales quite a bit using personal messenger ads notice to ad formats here first is the message text and the other is the structured message Jason if you use the message text you can only send text you can type in some text over here and that message will be sent to your prospect but if you use the Jason one if you use the structured message you can send a graphical message which will have a headline a call to action and even and image the only problem is to do this you need to be adjacent programmer more about this but first let’s see how this message actually looks so whatever you have fed in according to that you can send this test message i’m going to send an SMS message over here and that’s been sent and this is how the test message looks you can see the image some contractions and buttons and even some reply options now all of this is jason code and to be able to send structured messages you need to be adjacent programmer in the normal course but not if you have clicked message click ClickMSG REVIEWs is a nifty tool that will let you create graphical message ads visually and get you hundred-person compatible Jason the just one click register it in action let’s begin so when you login into click message you will see the home screen and you’ve got some options right over here the first one is create a message so if you click on it you will see the create message interface you can choose to give your message and name so let’s select a name and you can give you a call to action so let’s say we have a call to action here and then you can select a message title so we need to have a message title so let’s type in something over here and then we need to give us a message body what I want text you want time you can type that then you need an image URL so we want to put an image in the message let’s put an image URL and you can see in the life at review the message is being constructed and this is how it’s going to look when people get it on facebook and then we finish it we going to see a live preview inside Facebook too but you can see how the message is going to look which is very good for you to make a decision on what you want to put inside the message then you’ve got the link button URL and the link button text so you can put in any URL that you want and in the link button text put in any call to action or something that you want to tell the user whenever you want finally if you want you can even put in reply so if you put in a reply people can get this reply inside of the facebook Messenger and they can select a reply they can select the reply that they want to give and if somebody chooses a reply if somebody chooses to respond to your personal message you can actually talk to them you can hold a conversation with them finally when you done with all of this when you set up your message that your ad correctly click on either safe and get Jason or just get Jesus so if you want to save it if you don’t want to treat it later just click on just get Jason and if you want to get it later if you want to come back to it get it again get the code again and modify it later click on save and Jason now you’ve got the facebook compatible Jason right over here copy it go back to facebook select that select the Jason and delete everything delete all the Jason delete the entire thing and paste in your new Jason message big outside and it’s going to be transferred to Jason structure and formatted just the way you saw it finally when you’re done let’s send a test message and see how it looks so click on send test message again the message has been sent and inside Facebook I can see my ad i can see how it looks so this is exactly what i put in and this is the add that I saw so this is how you can actually create really really graphical and very very engaging personal message at inside of facebook and take advantage of the new messenger ads format back to click message you can actually manage the messages that you created earlier so you can see all the messages that we have you can edit of course particular message if you want if you delete it just become delete and it will be deleted you can see what’s in the venturi to edit click on edit and then you can upload it again and get just get the updated and gauges and again so this is how quick message works it’s very simple to use you will be up and running within minutes and you can generate all the messenger ads you want visually without having to worry about programming so go ahead and dominated missing your ads with click message
