Binance or Bittrex?! BEST Cryptocurrency Exchange 2017

Binance, Best cryptocurrency exchange 2017 for beginners? you know these channels blowing up man damn welcome back to crypto lands My name is Matthew Timothy and today I want to talk about alt coins we do videos on cryptocurrency here every single day if you’re new if you’re new here consider subscribing if you’re into cryptocurrencies today I want to talk about all coins as I said but specifically how to get them I’ve been getting a lot of feedback from you guys in the comments section really appreciate that a lot of questions and I think that alt coins is where it’s at in 2018 Bitcoin is getting more adoption more people are getting to know about Bitcoin but if you ask them try asking someone on the streets if they know about Bitcoin if they say yes ask them what an altcoin is they’re probably gonna say scratch your head and say I don’t know so I think there’s tremendous opportunity for us as a community to find quality alt coins quality projects that have long-term potential and then really capitalizing on those so you know if you see a great project like iOS for example but you don’t know where to get it this is this video is definitely gonna be helpful for you basically what you want to do is you want to go to coin market capcom and you want to click on the coin that you are interested in buying then you want to go over to markets and you want to scroll down here here are all the markets that sell AOS I’ve been using bit tracks to buy most of the coins and that I trade with and TOS is not on there unfortunately it’s on BitFenix it’s also on buy Nance so I started looking into like the fees and amount of coins they had and stuff bit tricks actually has pretty high fees and so what I would recommend for you guys if you want to buy out coins is to get a finance account security wise if you set up your 2fa I think you’re solid for now and then when your coins get like ledger ledger support or something put them on there definitely but what you want to do is you want to use the link into this Crypton and sign up for a free by Nance account from there on you go to funds deposit withdrawals and that brings you here to this page then you want to go over to Bitcoin and deposit and then you simply copy this address or you can do this QR code send Bitcoin to this address it’s gonna be here in your wallet and from there on you can go to the exchange we have a basic exchange and an advanced one and if you go to the advanced one you can see here you also have a lot of pairs to choose from like I said they offer a lot a lot of a lot of coins so you know looking at Virg that we talked about yesterday how to get yourself some birch you go over to coin market cap you search for Birch xvg markets and then you see it’s on bit tricks but it’s also on by Nance so you want to click on Finance you see here this is what they offer basically which is a bunch and then you can find it here and you can just buy it here you can hold it or you can trade with it I myself I’m not really a hardcore trader just yet I think is really interesting my neighbor over here has 30 years of market experience he’s been trading futures and stuff like that for basically his whole career and I’m looking to do like a collaboration with him and get some knowledge from him and share it with you guys so definitely if you’re new to this channel consider subscribing because there’s a lot more coming moving on in 2018-19 I plan to be a lot around for a long long time so yeah that’s basically it use the link in the description get some get get yourself a free bonus account thank you so so much for the support guys I really do appreciate it this channel for me is as much yours as it is mine and I want to discover a bunch of cool projects with you guys in the next months years and really capitalize on that with you guys so really appreciate the support and see you in the next video and until then stop settling I started living the gon life please
