– Thank you very much for watching on YouTube. I appreciate you being here. I’m going to probably edit this after the video loads and processes, so I’m making sure YouTube’s live. YouTube looks like it’s working good. Awesome! I’m going to start Facebook and then we’ll begin this live Facebook ads tutorial. Thank you very much for watching this live Facebook ads tutorial. This is one of the most ambitious or crazy things I’ve done before and I hope you enjoy it. I hope this is the most awesome best Facebook advertising tutorial ever. I’m grateful for the feedback I’ve received to make more of a click-bait title, so there you go. I’m doing something really ambitious right now. I’m trying to make ads on Facebook and live stream on Facebook and YouTube all at the same time, so let’s hope this actually works. This is what I mean by live streaming.

You can see the stream is live on Facebook right now. Daniel and Luke, thank you very much for joining in right away. So, this is one of the most powerful features I’ve seen for doing any kind of marketing and advertising online. You’ll notice some of these videos I did for free recently. Hundreds of thousands of views totally for free on these videos. Amazing. So, I’m going to show you how to access this power now. I’m able to get my videos out so far on Facebook because of the ads I’ve ran, so I’m going to show now exactly how to do that. Aiden, thanks very much for being the first to tune in on YouTube today and I say “tune in.” That makes me a little old school, doesn’t it, I guess. Back when you had TVs you tuned into. So, the amazing thing on Facebook, in just the time I’ve talking, almost 100 people watching already, even though you could say it’s a boring business subject. So, what do I have to show you here? You’ll see in this I have post engagement I’m getting for five ten-thousandths of a dollar, or five hundredths of a cent.

So, there’s post engagement over here and I can’t zoom in over here. I can zoom in over here then I can tab back over. But, Facebook does a really bad job if you go at it this way so if I scroll way over here and maybe it’ll allow me to move around in there. Nope, all right. Well, we’re gonna have to zoom out a little bit more than that. It’s not perfect, it’s live, so hopefully you can see this here. So, check this out. Post engagement for five hundredths of a cent. Yes, $930 to get million post engagements. Incredibly effective ad strategies. I’m going to show you exactly how I set this up and explain the benefits of it, so the easiest thing I can do to start with is to show you why Facebook advertising is so valuable to learn. You might think, why would I want to learn that? It’s boring, whatever. Here’s Facebook. I pulled over, I just did a quick search on Upwork. I just threw in the term Facebook Ads real quick on Upwork. is the largest online freelancing website I know of in the world, so I just threw up a quick search. What’s up, William? Thanks for watching on Facebook. I threw up a quick search, now check this out. These are people who I don’t know. They just showed up here. Facebook ads is a skill, $40 an hour to work online. So, Upwork, you freelance from wherever you want to at home or in an office.

It’s online work, though. $37 an hour, $an hour. $50 an hour and I just pulled this up on a search. $97 an hour and this guy worked hundreds of hours at that rate, so this is just whatever I pulled up from the search. Knowing Facebook ads is an extremely valuable skill, so that’s why this is worth learning. If you’re already sold on it though, then you’ll probably say, all right, let’s get to it and start learning. So, this is how I do my Facebook ads. I’m going to show you a bunch of different ways I go about this. What experience do I have? I’ve spent over $100,000 on my own Facebook ads and that has more than paid for itself and I’ll set it up as an example that I know how to do Facebook ads. When you visit my Facebook page, then there’s no question that I know how to do something on Facebook, so that’s the idea for it. Sebastian, happy birthday today. What’s up, Branislav? Razoo and Branislav, this is what I do for work, you could say, this is what I do that’s made me the most money online.

This is a very valuable skill you can learn for free right here. So, I’m showing how I kind of do the inside of my work. I’m showing how I’ve built this huge Facebook page up with all these ads. So, one of the things you’ll notice, I have a page Likes campaign here. One million Likes on it for $17,000. This is a global page Likes campaign. If you’ve never seen this before, what I do, I target a bunch of different countries. I’ve got Likes in all kinds of countries using this campaign and I’ll put this on Active Only. So, what I do, I try ads in all different countries and I’ve got ads in Nepal, Algeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco, Indonesia and, I think Tanzania is TZ there.

So, here’s what these ads look like. These ads, I feel, do a good job of representing my brand and the reason I’m online. So, the ad’s not super-complicated. It’s not anything amazing. It’s actually ridiculously simple. So, here’s the ad right here. A stock image that I bought and ultra-simple text. “Like to spread the feeling?” And then there’s a Like page, one really simple call to action. The point of this ad is purely to get as absolutely many Facebook Likes as I can. It’s like a restaurant. When you go out to eat somewhere, do you want to be the only one in there? You’re going to eat, no. You figure, reasonably, you’re gonna die of food poisoning because everyone else that’s came through before you is dead. Facebook works the same way. Do you want to Like a Facebook page where no one’s on it? No, and it’s almost unfair when the page is as big as mine and well, I realize size is all relative.

I had a hundred and some thousand students on Udemy. I have none today, so things come and go. I appreciate that. When you’ve got a page with two million Likes, it’s kind of a no-brainer to just go ahead and join up with everyone else. It’s like when you see a restaurant. There was this Chinese restaurant. I don’t even like Chinese food that much. My wife and I kept driving by and seeing there were so many people on line, waiting outside. We said it must be good, therefore we went there. Even though it was just somewhat average Chinese food, everyone else was crazy about it, so we had to get in on it, too. That’s the backbone, then, of my start-up strategy is just build as many people as possible to begin.

However, the problem with that is, I’ll show you over here. I’ll go Active on the delivery and I’ll show you the cost per engagement. So, my post, my campaign is just to get as many Likes as possible. Don’t do very good at getting people that genuinely are interested in the page. It gets people in for really cheap to just Like the page, and say, oh great, Jerry. It just does good for social proof. It doesn’t do good for organic engagement or anything else. So, here’s where the next part of my ad strategy comes in. So, the next part of my ad strategy focuses on people who are genuinely interested in what I have to produce every day, my videos, whatever it is I’m putting up there.

The next phase is to get people who are interested in that watching my videos and to Like the page. So, this comes in with the League Videos campaign as you can see. Now, these page Likes are 11 cents each but these aren’t page like ads. These are post engagement ads, so these are both branding and these are to get people in that like, really are excited about what I’m doing. One out of the 10,000 people who have seen the video that really want to see more of every single video I make. So, then, I advertise video after video after video from my Facebook page to get everyone in there. So, I appreciate all of the positive feedback already and the, how many angers? There’s two people that reacted angry, so no matter what I do, I can’t please everyone.

(chuckling) So, the idea is to get as many people watching these videos as possible, so then every time I put out a new video I’ve got a much higher likelihood of someone seeing it who really is excited about it. Not just that, but getting the video shared. So, you’ll see in this Page Likes campaign, it gets lots of low-cost Likes. In this League Videos campaign, there’s lots of low-cost post shares, page Likes, link clicks, comments and post Likes and even website visits. So, what I do in this one, I promote entertaining videos that go out to the most people for the absolute lowest cost.

Now, this is tricky to pull off just right. It takes practice but hey, I’ve got a lot of different ways to do it. So, first I’m going to show you, this is my Philippines, mostly, League of Legends campaign. You might say why in the hell would you want people from the Philippines to be watching your League of Legends videos and Liking your Facebook page and sharing your videos with their friends? What could that possibly have to do with your business of selling courses online? Like I said about the restaurant analogy before, the restaurant analogy, you get as many people lined up out in front of the door as possible. The nice thing online, people are equal wherever they’re at, so you can’t tell if all the people in front of you in line are Filipino or Norwegian or Indian or US. Wherever they’re from, you can’t tell where all these like on my Facebook page are from, but you can see all of the engagement, you can see all of the proof that they’re there and then, if you look through the individual comments, you can see that, too. So, the idea is to be one whole presence online, to do all my things for fun and all my things for work and unite all of that.

Yes, it’s messy sometimes. Yes, people don’t like it sometimes, but look how good it works. Look how low cost this is! So many post engagements for so low. So, I’m bringing in tons of people that like watching my videos in here, getting real page Likes. I’ll show you an ad on this. This is the most popular ad. This is what the post looks like on the most popular ad. So, I’ve got this paused and I hope there’s not any background playing from any of the other videos.

So, this is my most popular League of Legends ad right now, and this is from one of my most popular YouTube videos. So, the video went viral on YouTube. I didn’t even do anything about that. Then, I realized, oh, maybe it’s a good video. I put it up on Facebook. million people have seen it. Four, almost a half million views on it. Lots of Likes, hundreds of shares and then all this video brings in tons more people into the Facebook page. So, this is a basic format I do all my ads in: video, text, link. So, you’ll see this exact format and exactly what I’m showing right here. Text up here explaining it, call to action, link. So, even in this one today that I’ve done on the Facebook post I’ve done, same format. I show you what I’m doing, the whole point of watching this, like what value you get out of it. It’s a live, free, Facebook advertising tutorial. If you see the replay on YouTube and it will be pre-recorded from your point of view, I’m doing it live today on August 8, 2016 at p.m. Eastern US. So, I’ve got what it is and then I’ve got a call to action here.

So, this is what I, this is kind of the end goal, so to speak. What’s up Kat, Destroyler and Julio on YouTube? This is kind of the end goal is to all of this audience, then, the bottom of the funnel, in marketing terms, is to then get purchases of my courses on my website. So, you might say, okay, you’re advertising your League of Legends videos in the Philippines and you figure someone’s going to buy one of your courses? Absolutely. If I get it out to 100,000 people for a really low cost, just by dumb luck, someone is going to exactly be the right person to come in and buy one of my courses.

Or, the person who sees the ad’s going to share it with their friends and then they will buy the courses. So, I’ve had course purchases in almost every country in the world and places you might think, if you’re in the US, at least, if you’re in the US, you might say there’s no way someone in Pakistan has bought your course. Pakistan’s one of the top countries for buying my courses online and Pakistan’s also one of the top countries for my Facebook Likes and where I’ve shown ads. Now, how does that match up? Well, in Pakistan, I’m probably one of the very few people from around the world showing ads for what I do. In the US, there’s a bunch of people showing ads on how to make Facebook things, all kinds of Facebook ads about making Facebook ads. There’s all kinds of those in the US. The idea is I can, then I get to stand out. When I’m showing ads in the Philippines and in Pakistan, I get to stand out because then I’m kind of an oddity.

I’m not someone from the country whereas in the US, I’m just kind of normal in that sense. You might think I’m an oddity anyway. It’s a great advantage to be able to stand out, though. If I saw someone from another country advertising Facebook ads products in the US, not like the UK or Canada where I couldn’t even tell they were from another country, but very obviously from another country, that would get my attention more than the ads I see. That would just be more interesting because it would be novel. So, all these principles are extremely powerful applied across Facebook because there’s so many people using Facebook. So, what I do, I’ll continue with the strategies. So, I get these are the results I’ve gotten in the last, in the lifetime of this. I’ve spent $108 to advertise that video in this particular ad set. Here’s the results.

249,000 people have interacted with the post. I’ll scroll down. Facebook’s not gonna let me scroll down that far, is it? Nope. Well, look, I’ve even got email sign-ups out of this. That’s cool, like I don’t actually go for that directly. So, I’ll have to zoom back out, I guess. What I can show here, I’ve got 16 cents to get a share, so every dollar I spent, I get more than 10 page Likes, 10 clicks to my YouTube video, two comments, 33 Likes or so on the post and something like five or six post shares.

Now, in the US, the numbers when I did that same thing were ten to 100 times as high. So, I’d rather have way more people watch my video in the Philippines than have way less people watch in the US. This is a big strategy, though, done across different things. So, that’s two parts of it. I’ll show you the US component of this. So, the US component of this. Now, the League of Legends videos work really good overseas. What’s up, Ivan on YouTube. I’m not sure really why. The League videos, no one Likes them in the US. Well, unless they found them on YouTube. The League videos work really good in the Philippines, so I do that. The Xbox videos I make, in fact, if you’re watching live on Facebook, this is likely how you found me originally. I made a bunch of really successful Xbox Call of Duty video ads in the US.

So, these are mostly in the US here. They’re all labeled with USA and you can see the cost per post engagement. I’ll zoom in if I can. Let’s see what we can do about this, Facebook. Oh, this is ugly but it might work. (chuckling) So, these videos in the US, actually, I got these videos off at a lower cost than the ones I just showed you in the Philippines. This is the most spectacular ad results I’ve ever seen in the US that anyone’s ever posted. Maybe I haven’t looked. Oh, so, let me stop hyping it and just get into the details. Four hundredths of one cent to get someone to interact with my video ad on Facebook. Now, if I compare my business ads that often cost 20-plus cents to get one interaction. So, this, I might even need to break the calculator out for this. Let’s just try, calculator, trusted Windows store app. So, .0004 divided by, no, I don’t know if I did this right.

Maybe I can inverse it. There we go. That’s 2500 interactions for a dollar. So, if the very best I usually do with my business ads is say, 20 cents, I should have probably multiplied that. Yep, so, you divide 2500, 20 cents is five so let’s divide 2500 by five. 500 times more effective! 500 times more effective to show ads for my Call of Duty videos than to show ads for my business. Now, you might think, well, you’re not going to make a sale from showing your Call of Duty videos. I do Facebook ads. I do Facebook ads, I do online businesses. People who spend a lot of money to try to reach me specifically, as much as $2 plus per click. I also play Call of Duty.

If you want to get my attention, it’s a lot cheaper to show me a Call of Duty ad than it is, and I’m more likely to pay attention to it, than for you to show me your boring business ad for something about Facebook. And, I realize you could be thinking this is some boring business thing, well, again, we’ll pull over the motivation here. This is 25 an hour at a bare minimum, just getting started, learning how to do whatever it is. I think that is the bare minimum you can hope for learning these skills, and that’s working online. That’s not going to work. That’s working on your own schedule. I make way more than that doing this, which is well, that’s why I keep doing it.

And, because I enjoy doing whatever I need to do. So, this, it’s much more effective to reach a ton of people with an entertaining message than it is to reach a small group with a boring message. So, the idea is I showed these Call of Duty videos absolutely everywhere to almost 20 million people in the US at a ridiculously low cost. Well, you might not say $8900 is a ridiculously low cost. It reached million people in this one campaign alone. I did several other campaigns like this. Now, you’ll notice it was working really well in here. The problem is once Call of Duty: Black Ops had been out and everyone that wanted to buy it bought it by Christmas, then no one was interested in it that much anymore and the cost went up after that. So, the idea is some of these things are very timely. The point for my strategy I’m showing, so this is a three-tiered strategy.

You get as many page Likes as possible. You do that with ads in the lowest cost countries with the ultra-simplest message from your brand. Step Two, you get the most entertaining videos you have out there possible. Gaming videos, anything that you watch, if you watch a video like that on Facebook, then that’s the same thing to advertise. I realized, why is no one showing their gaming videos on Facebook? I realized it’s probably because no one who does gaming thinks to actually put them on a Facebook page and is insane enough to pay for ads for them.

So, I got lucky. I did that before anyone else did. Well, I say luck. Really, preparedness meeting opportunity. There’s not a whole lot of luck. Thanks, Online Tough Guys, for letting me know you appreciate these videos. So, finally, you’re looking, oh my god, I just wanna make a sale already. I have a website traffic and remarketing campaign. So, out of all of these ads and out of– let’s not go on that tangent. Out of all these ads then, I have a small set of ads that then does go for the actual sale. So, then, I’ve got ads that go to get people on my email list, that go get people to buy my courses and things like that. So, the idea is it’s a massive funnel and instead of focusing on the bottom of it and just staying there and trying to get people to go straight down, I just make an absolutely huge funnel up top and then I get a lot of people who just hear by word of mouth and come to my website and then, once people go to my website, I have really low cost remarketing ads I run.

So, a remarketing ad is when you go visit my website, then I can show ads to you on Facebook as a visitor to my website and those are then a lot more focused. 99% of people who have seen my videos have never been to my website. Therefore, I can run ads just to the 1% who have been to my website and I don’t have to target you the same way everyone else does. Yes, thank you. Jeffrey says 500 times more effective is a game-changer.

This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen for online advertising which is why I’m in the middle of it. It’s a game-changer to get out to as absolutely many people as possible in the most entertaining way possible to make a massive top of the funnel and then to have the same narrow funnel at the bottom. But, just to make the top so big that you catch way more of the customers you might never have figured would be a customer to come in down through the funnel. So, this remarketing campaign finishes off the entire process because lots of my videos have links to my website or my YouTube channel. My YouTube channel has lots of links to my website. So, Matt, 500 times more effective, I essentially pay the same price to get that one out of 500 person. The difference is, I reach 499 people also, essentially for free. So, it works just as good except instead of me just reaching you, I’ve reached 499 other people, too, and even if they don’t do anything, that’s fine. The next time I put another ad out, they might do something whereas if I just go after you over and over again, well, I might never have found you to start with.

For getting started and doing what I’m doing, the easiest thing, well, all right, I shouldn’t say easiest. The thing with the most long-term value is to make videos. Well, you’ll notice my page is full of videos. Almost every single post I make on my page is a video. Videos are the highest impact thing you can do on Facebook and the easiest way to start off, just make videos on your own personal profile. Just try making videos on your own personal profile to your existing friends and family. That way, you learn how to make video and then, if you want to be able to advertise, then you need a Facebook page and then you put the videos on your Facebook page and you can advertise them.

So, the easiest way to get started is to just make some more videos on your personal profile. Talk about what you’re doing, talk about how life is going, talk about what you’re interested in, talk about your business. Videos are the gold standard on Facebook and, as you can see if you’re watching this on Facebook, I’m grateful there’s about 100 of you guys watching. Well, there’s just really you watching and then, well, there’s just really you watching and then there’s 100 other people, or 95 like you watching now. Then, the idea is live videos are even more powerful than video so right now, it goes like this: live video, videos, pictures, everything else.

Most people are stuck in the bottom doing pictures and links. Pictures and links, they can work. Videos can look great, and it takes practice. So, if you do some pre-recorded videos, you can practice and then you can run ads and if you have a product you want to sell, just make a video and talk about it. Don’t even try to sell it. Just ask for feedback. Say, “Hey, I just got this new t-shirt design. “What do you think of it?” Don’t even bother trying to sell it. Just ask people, hey, honestly tell me what you think of this design. So, I’m going to show you now how to execute this strategy. I’m going to show how to put it in place because this then will give you the ability to do it. All you’ll need then is to put the videos up yourself and a Facebook page. All you’ll need. I realize that could be very difficult if you haven’t done it before, however, these things can be done faster than you might think.

Videos and a Facebook page and a little bit of an ad budget. You can do this for as low as $1 a day or whatever the minimum is wherever you’re advertising, just to get proof of concept. I’ll show you the actual execution of this now that I’ve explained the three-tier strategy. So, Tier One, page Likes for social proof. Tier Two, videos for as many genuine, really interested fans as possible. Tier Three, clean up the conversions with the people who are most enthusiastic about what you’re doing. I’m actually going to try and even expand a little bit in this third spot to essentially remarket to people who have already seen my videos before but who haven’t visited my website using some targeting. So, this often doesn’t work very well, but that’s the whole thing. There’s a lot of trial and error in everything I do and what you’ll notice, so if I go over to the Power Editor here, 1585 ad sets, 4186 ads. Those don’t include deleted ads. I’ve messed up more Facebook ads than I’ve done right.

The difference is I spend my money through the ones that work really well. I don’t spend a whole lot of money on the ads if they don’t work well. So, what I’m going to do now live is show you how I make two different types of ads. I’m going to show and I’ll show you how I make the ads to actually get the videos out as far as possible and I’ll show you how I make the ads to get conversions. So, I’ll start with the conversions and, before this video, I took a key step. I took a huge step that you want to do first, especially if you’re doing it live. I went and made an ad for the video I’m going to use to make sure it got approved because Facebook has a lot of things that will automatically reject your ad. There’s no person that reviews your ads on Facebook. That means if you submit ads with the wrong words in them, like you put guaranteed in there or you put the word Facebook. I don’t know if they’ve changed that but when I put in.

Or, if you put an ugly thumbnail like this with a whole bunch of text, the ad will get rejected. So, what I’m about to do is show how to make lots of the ads so the worst thing you could possibly do is make lots of the ads and get them all disproved. I’ve gotten over 500 ads rejected at once. First, I broke the limit on how many you could upload. Second, all the ads I did upload got rejected. So, what I did before this, you’ll see this Free Courses ad set here has one active approved ad. So, about an hour or so ago, I went and made this ad. I made this ad, made sure I got approved and now that we’re all set on that, now I’m going to go forward and make an entirely new campaign just for this one video. So, the idea is I’ve used the first strategy I showed so much, so the first part of this strategy, I explained. The Page Likes, I’ve already, I’m set on that.

Two million is enough and yet I’m still spending more every day to get more Likes. However, I’ve done Tier Two a lot. I’ve already shown video ads to a ton of people, so now it’s time to make ads and try and clean up or deepen my relationship with the people who have already seen my videos but haven’t went to see the newest of what I offer. So, my newest ad that I’m going to put out on a large scale, first, I live streamed it. So, it gets the idea out there that my videos are live and it’s cool because this was live then so, to me, that’s really powerful. So, you can just upload a video and do the same thing, though, and then, ultra-simple text. Now, a lot of my live, these, some of these aren’t meant for ads, like I probably can’t advertise this one because it says Facebook advertising in the text, so I’m probably not even going to bother submitting it and getting it rejected, but maybe that will change.

Who knows? So, this is what I do if I’m not going to advertise it. I throw in the kitchen sink if I’m not going to advertise it. If you’re one of the really enthusiastic viewers that comes to every live stream, then I throw in the kitchen sink of links so you’ve got your full choices there. Not planning on advertising this but I could. Actually, this is Mortal Kombat, so I’m definitely not advertising it because that’s game’s real nasty. It was fun but it’s not the kind of thing you want to advertise. So, ultra-simple one-liner here and I coupon the courses. Then, a really, really, really good free offer. A really good free offer. Look at this free offer. This might be kind of like that Bad Boys. “Look at your pupils!” “How am I supposed to look at my pupils, Mike?” All right, here. So let me zoom in on this free offer. Here’s the free offer. I’ve made a free offer to get coupons to 50-plus online courses for free, including 10 of mine. I took 10 of my lowest sellers and I figure hey, if no one’s gonna buy it, I might as well give it away for free.

10 of my lowest sellers and through them up here, along with a bunch of coupons from other instructors. So, I’ve got a really good free page and the best thing, take a look, if you click then you can enroll straight in the course for free and then, like these ones, you don’t even have to do anything from me, you can go straight on the website, which this one’s hosted on Udemy. You can go straight there and take the course. You don’t have to do anything from me. Now, if you’re an advanced marketer and you can guess, well, hey, look, you can put some affiliate links on those. Hell, yes, I did. It’s a free course but if someone goes and buys a course within seven days after looking at my free courses, I can make 50% on it, which doesn’t happen very often, but it’s a really good free resource. It will happen occasionally just again, by sheer numbers. So, I’ve got a really good free offer.

You don’t even have to put your email in. The whole offer, everything’s just sitting here right on the page. The idea is I’ve made something I hope people will share. So, a free offer, a squeeze page, I think those stink. I don’t do those because, okay. I’ve done some of them before. Wasn’t happy with the results at all. What I like as a user is something like this where the value is laid out there in front of me and then, if I find it helpful, I’ll go talk with a friend or family member about it or I’ll share it on my video.

I read other people’s books and I share those on my videos then. So, to me, this is a great thing. What you pick to advertise makes all the difference. So, this, I’ve waited a while to get this very nice free offer lined up. Albert, who I saw Albert actually sit there and did the work to put most of the courses on this page. We worked together, got this page set up. So, I worked to make a really good free offer to advertise. So, the idea is that people will like this so much that they’ll go down, hit that Share button. To me, the Share button is gold. The ad’s great, it shows to one person at a time. If someone shares it, that could potentially go out to all their friends and then they’ve got a saved copy of the ad in their Timeline.

It’s absolutely ideal. So, the idea is a really good free offer. If you try and put a product you’re selling here, it doesn’t work nearly as good. When I’m on Facebook, I’m not in a buying mood usually. I’m in a mood to look at something and watch something. So, I’m looking to make a really good impression with someone to give them something they’ll share on their mobile device and then they’ll come back to it on desktop. They’ll share this on their Timeline and then they’ll go back on desktop and say, okay, I wanna get this list of free courses.

I’m going to go through and redeem like 40 of these right now. So, that’s the idea. You can do it with selling something. I’ve done this. I’ve sold the Complete Hacking Course, thousands of dollars in sales doing pretty much this same thing and it works. The strategy’s so good it works. I want something that works stupid good though. I don’t want it to just work and break even. Doing this with a product, you have a good shot at breaking even, maybe making a little profit. I want something that just gets viral, that gets shared a time for free, that brings in affiliate commissions, that brings in students to my school and brings in paid sales. So, I aim high and I miss usually, but this looks like the best shot I’ve had to really just hit a grand slam.

So, the actual offer you make, very important. Crappy offer, crappy results. Here’s the funniest thing. I get people, I’m grateful if you’re one of them, $200, $199, to talk to me for a few minutes. And it’s often I end up saying to them, “You’ve got to have a good offer to advertise.” They come to me looking for technical tips on how to make the ads run better and I say it doesn’t matter how much you get the ads to run better if the offer itself won’t convert.

So, I try to make something that’s pretty much impossible for it to not convert unless the page on my website, it goes down or something. If you make a product like a t-shirt or something, if the shirt sucks, it doesn’t matter how good the ads are. If the shirt sucks, it doesn’t matter if you spend 500 ads, picking the right people to target. If the shirt is no good, the shirt’s not going to sell. End of story. So, to me, free offers are the best on Facebook and I’ve seen a lot of people doing a good job with putting attractive looking free offers, but I’ve seen, very rarely, anyone actually convert me on their free offer. So, the offer itself, the more you would actually use the offer you’re putting out, I know, I think, I don’t know anything, I think this is a good offer because I, at one point, was looking for this.

I was looking around to say where can I find a page of free coupons that are updated, that actually work? I got to click on the link and I open– Good. Nope, the course offer didn’t take it off in the last five minutes because I’m real stupid. I looked real stupid last time, so what’s the difference? (chuckling) Now, when you go to actually click on the links, it’s really free. Most of the free coupon pages I’ve seen, you go click on the links and what happens? The damn link’s broke, the coupon doesn’t work. I made something that I wanted as a user and I just set it up and made it. Albert has done a lot of the work to actually get this thing up there.

So, I worked with someone else to build something that I like to start with. Do I like to give my email address out on the promise I’ll get to watch a video which probably ought to be free to start with? No, that sucks. I don’t do it and I’m not saying it’s wrong for anyone else to do it, I’m saying I don’t do it as a user. I don’t go through other people’s pages that collect my email, so why would I make something? I did before and my results sucked. I think I’ve used the word “suck” enough times for this, so we’ll try to go forward without that.

So, the idea is here I’ve got an offer that’s really good and I’m ready to put it out. And I also will show doing some of the gaming videos, too, so enough excitement and hype aside. Let’s see how to create a campaign. So, I’m gonna start. I’m gonna go through and start the campaign out in the Ads Manager and then I’ll scale it up in the Power Editor. So, what I do, I do Boost Post if it’s just a video, like on these gaming ones, I do Boost Post. I want the post to go to as many people as possible. On these ones, though, where I’m trying to actually get sales and email conversions, I want actual conversions on my website, so I’m going to put all the ads for all countries in one and I’m going to call this Free Courses Conversions.

So, we’ll call this Free Courses Conversions on the campaign and then I’m going to take Instagram out as placement, because I already know that. Then, on my conversions, I’ve already set up my conversion tracking. If you don’t know how to do it, I’ve got, that’s in my Complete Facebook Ads Course. I show how to set up conversion tracking. You might have to do some Googling. Tweak it around, look exactly how to put it on your website. I’ve already got it up on my website so all I have to do, I go pick my pixel here. Now, I’ve got my email list sign-up. That’s the conversion I’m optimizing for. So, you might ask, where the hell’s the email sign-up here? Well, I have an email sign-up here, but it’s not mandatory. It’s not required to get any of the courses. Here’s the thing, though. If anyone signs up for any of my 10 courses, then they will get a double opt-in confirmation there also.

So, if you go to sign up for my school, it will send you a double opt-in confirmation, so you won’t just get added to my list, you will have the chance to join my list then, though, which is the double opt-in. So, I’ve got two different ways to get an email sign-up through there. Now, next, what I want to do, I already created a remarketing audience, so now what I want to do is create one where people have already seen my videos, where I’ve made repeated impressions.

I want to go through and target people who have already seen my ads repeatedly. So, first, I’ll choose English on here. That way I can scale it globally. Now, this one, this is an interesting targeting because these are the recommended targeting. This is really broad. Now, you might think that’s never going to work. It’s a list of free courses. Well, most of, or a lot of the people in these targeting criteria have seen one of my videos. You might be one of them.

So, even though from a mind standpoint of trying to predict whether it would work, I might think that’s never going to work. However, if the audience is way cheaper, then it might work so I’m going to test out this audience. If it doesn’t work, so what? I’ll just stop it. I’m only going to put the budget for this at $2 a day. Forgive my use of the word only if that’s a lot where you’re at, and I’m going to set a seven day conversion window. So, this is an audience I’ve already ran a ton of these Type Two ads in that I showed before, where I’ve made a lot of first impressions and even though the audience isn’t directly relevant to what I’m offering, the audience, I’m guessing, has a need for what I’m offering. I see Loy Winn asked what types of free can you do for a single item? You can do the same thing for a single item product. Just explain the individual item product more instead of trying to just have links to all the products.

Single item product might even work better. So, what I’ll do on this now, what I need to get in my Ad Set name, I need to get a name that covers my targeting. So, I’m going to go US, because that’s the country, and then I will call this Game Consoles. So, I name my Ad Set so that I know when I look at it right away what I’m doing. So, I set a budget that I can stand to waste and for $2 day, if this doesn’t work, I can live with that. I’ll know in 24 to maybe, 24 hours at the earliest to maybe a week at the latest, if it doesn’t work. So, I put this in there and then I click continue. I leave the bid automatic. I don’t do any extra work. I don’t need to fool with the bid. I’ll just give Facebook my money and see what they give back and if I don’t like what they give back, I’ll stop giving them money. So, what I do now, I hit Use Existing Post up here and then it automatically populated this one because it’s one of the recent posts I have.

So, the nice thing you’ll see out of this, doing it on a live stream, if my head’s not in the way, you’ll see I already have 540 reactions and 47 comments on this. What’s the very hardest thing to do? The most difficult thing to do on an ad is to get those very first few Likes. I laugh, I chuckle, I smirk, every time I see an ad, especially one about how to do Facebook and your ad has no one that Likes it. I’m like, arrgh! I’m like, don’t you see what you’re doing? I don’t get mad, but it’s just so funny. Like, here’s another Facebook marketer who is showing, through what they’re doing, they don’t know what they’re doing. Now, to be fair, I don’t know what I’m doing either. I just keep doing stuff all the time and it seems to work really well for some reason. So, I’m not saying I do know what I’m doing. I’m grateful that I’ve stopped making some of the most basic mistakes and that give me a chance to make some new, fun mistakes that I haven’t made before.

How exciting! The idea is though, if you don’t have any Likes or comments or shares on your ad, you start off at the very most expensive. Facebook charges you the top dollar for your ad and then that very first person that Likes it is often hard to find. I start this one out and if you just upload videos to your channel– Channel, I’m on YouTube, too. I have a YouTube course, also. So, if you go live, you can get the very most engagement views with your video. That’s the best. But, even, I’ll scroll down.

I’ll show you some that I just uploaded. So, this one, I just uploaded this one. So, I didn’t do this one live and I just did this one, too. Even though I didn’t get a whole lot of Likes on these, it’s a lot more than nothing. So, if I scroll down here, I want to try advertising this one. So, it’s got 30-something Likes on it. That’s a lot more than zero. So, it’s really good to use an existing post in all the ads and then it’s easier to interact with everyone that comments on the ad.

So, whatever you’re doing, this is a lot easier. So, now, I’ve went through and completed this entire process, so I hit Place Order here. Facebook says, “Yay! We’re gonna think about whether “we want to take your money or not!” So, I hit continue and now I’ve got my new campaign up and the cool thing is my ad goes active immediately because it’s already been approved. I still get nervous, after submitting thousands of ads, about my ads getting rejected. What’s up? Oh, I don’t know if I remember. Dayvon? I hope that’s right. What’s up, Dayvon and Mark on Facebook. Thanks for stopping in and watching. So, it’s so cool. I’m doing this live on Facebook, talking about Facebook ads. I realize most of the world’s not interested in this, however, this is a $40 to $50 an hour skill I’m showing you how to learn for free here.

So, hey, the opportunities in your life that you’re looking for are often right in front of you. So, I hope this is useful for you, whether you’re watching it live or recorded. Tangent Number Six on this video. (chuckling) I lied, it’s like Tangent 50. So, I’ve got this new ad up here, targeted to Game Consoles. Now, even if it doesn’t work, so what? So what? We’ll just pause it. Now, what I want to do, I go into the Power Editor and the new Power Editor’s awesome. It actually pulls things in right away. So, I’m going to pick my new ad that I just made. Now, it’s time to do the real work. So, let me have a drink of tea before I do any real work. Oh, that’s good. I think it’s just some Lipton, straight up, whatever the most basic Lipton thing is.

So, that’s the one I’ve got here now is that ad I just made. So, from here it’s just duplicating and changing the targeting. Keep in mind, though, if my offer sucks, it doesn’t matter. Oh, I said the word sucks again. That’s twice more now. If my offer’s not any good, this whole rest of this is pointless. If whatever I’m trying advertise is no good, I could skip all the rest of these steps and save myself a bunch of time and money. The easiest way to test this is if you have remarketing, try it out on a small scale and then see what your remarketing audience does. So far, I’m grateful, lots of positive feedback on this video. I’ve got a good idea that this might be a good video, so I’m going to go all the way with this thing. So, we’re going to duplicate and go all out. I like that Tupac song. I think it’s called All Out. It’s really good. I haven’t listened to it in quite a while.

I don’t listen to music that much anymore. That’s tangent 51, maybe? So, now what I’m going to do is try just targeting after targeting here. So, I’m going to go after Udemy next, because that’s a direct interest area. That’s an audience I’ve reached people bunch of times and now I’m going to go in and hit Udemy. Udemy is the website I used to teach on before I got banned and then, so it says it estimates the cost is the same. We’ll see what happens. So, I’m going to try Udemy in this. So, all I do is change it up to Udemy and now I hit Review Changes and Upload. So, that quick, I just doubled down. I went from $2 a day to now I have another ad set that will run at $2 a day also, so you can imagine this gets expensive quick. Cue the Iggy Azalea Fancy song up in my head. My mind’s so helpful. Every time I say something, then it Likes to suggest something.

Oh, you want to talk about expensive? Do you want to listen to that Fancy song? ♫ I’m so fancy, you already now No, I’m good, thanks. I’m doing a Facebook ads tutorial, man. We need Facebook ads tutorial stuff right now. Oh, okay, all right, we’ll work on that. So, now I can target some similar things like Udemy, so I don’t even know much about what any of these are either. I’ve heard of Coursera, but I don’t know anything about it. That doesn’t matter. What I’m going to do is this is just brute force test. Duplicate brute force test, and then we look at the actual conversions and see what really works.

So, first I’m going to do this in the US and then I’ll have to tweak this global because It will be a little more messy doing it global. The US has big targeting categories. Global, some of them will be smaller but if I just make the countries big enough, it will work, so we’ll see about that. So, next, I want to do– I did Udemy so I can get some similar suggestions, so then, a good one I’d like to try out, also. And then, I can just same thing. Just keep making these, small budgets on these and then try not to get too far ahead of the Power Editor.

So, upload these slow. So, I went from starting with one and we’re applying changes in real time here so we’ll see what happens with this. I’m going to, Mark asks if I’m going to stream GTA. Yes, I’m playing Extreme GTA in like an hour or so and then GameFreak asks am I a hacker. Well, it depends on your definition of hacker. In terms of do I do penetration testing with Kali Linux? No, I work with Ermin Kreponic. He does that. You could say I’m a growth hacker with a lot of the ways I approach these things I show on Facebook, so it all depends on your definition. So, as the Power Editor’s working here, I may be able to show you one other quick thing I want to do. So, I showed you about creating, so all you do from there is keep going and testing more and more and more different things. Now, if I had to guess, probably all four of those won’t work. It’s just, there’s a lot of failure, but I’m going to test more of those out. So, then, I want to make another ad campaign. You see I’ve this new Call of Duty: Zombies map tutorial.

So, there’s a new Call of Duty map out, so for Xbox, it’s coming out Thursday. So, I’m going to try and do a timely ad here. I’m going to hit Boost Post and then I’ll pick Call of Duty up in here. Now, y’all, my mind’s all “You want that DMX on? “Y’all gonna make me lose my mind! “Up in here!” Now, thanks, don’t need that. All right, moving on. So, now I’m going to target Call of Duty. My mind has nothing to suggest under that. Yet. So, I’ve got Call of Duty, I’ll target Call of Duty and I even could try a really niche one, Call of Duty: Zombies.

Try and isolate the exact Zombie players. Unfortunately, there’s only 1800 people in the US. Wah-wah. I have to target all Call of Duty. We’ll go English in case I go global. So, now, I’ve got my new audience here, but actually, I actually messed this up. It would be easier just to Create New here instead of messing with the saved audience, because of saved audience. Anyway, I showed you how I found the targeting here.

I put in Call of Duty. I throw that in, then I take off the Instagram and I’ll throw this in for $2 a day. So, now, I’m just trying to get as many people as possible to actually interact with this post. So, you’ll notice it expects a big reach on this one and the idea is that then I want to get people over to my YouTube channel, also. For this, I just keep it pretty simple. I put on Call of Duty like that. I scroll down and find my ad here and then I put the tutorial over here and then I can track when people go to my website also, which would happen through YouTube. So, I’ve got these up now so I just hit Place Order. Then, the same process I’m showing can work to try out different ads. So, here’s a fast thing I can do. Well, I think it will be fast, let’s see. So, what I need to do, I can hit Change Ad Set really quick to just try out another video on the same audience. So, I hit Create Similar and this allows me to skip the whole Power Editor.

So, then what I can do is name this by the actual ad it is so I can say Top 10 Perkaholic Downs, US Call of Duty, and then I hit Continue over here and then I’ll go grab a different video, because I don’t know which video will work the best. Fortunately, I can test out both of these, so I put it in another ad set, I Place Order on this one, I hit Continue and then I go up to Call of Duty campaign.

This now shows me both of these videos and I can edit the name real quick so Gorod Krovi Easter Egg Solo US Call of Duty. So, now I’ve got this all set up. I’ve got two new ad sets up here, so the idea with these is just boost the post as wide as possible, throw that out there and see what happens. So, I’ve got that up and you notice, I’ve just started with those. I don’t want to go through and copy and do a bunch of things until those get approved. So, hopefully, I won’t have any issues but sometimes, they randomly do. So, now I’ve got this up here and I can continue working over here, so I’ve picked a few of these. Now, I just want to make another copy or two. I don’t want to do a whole bunch in this one area. So, I go for suggestions and see if there’s anything that I’ve kind of missed that’s a huge open category.

So, here’s one I can do. I can just do Personal Development. That’s a big category right there and I can just slip that in, US Personal Development here. See how fast the Power Editor goes up through here. What’s up, Brendan? I see you on the stream today. Thank, Achmed. Why am I targeting just one category per ad? Well, I’m targeting one category per ad so I can really isolate exactly which targeting works. The audiences are big enough to be able to target just one category for the ad, so if the audiences were really small, if I was targeting really niche things, then I would need to pick a bunch of different ones. Fortunately, the Udemy audience is big enough. Just stick with that one targeting term for now. And let’s feel my blood pressure go up as we look. Nice, so that one got approved. I’m happy. My blood pressure’s like 100 over 50, too, so this mostly raw vegan diet’s working really good for every health-related thing you can imagine on a 58th or maybe, 61st tangent today.

So, now I’ve got these five in the US. Now, what I want to do is test the Udemy one global and maybe some of these others global, too. What I’ll do is grab the Udemy one first and we’ll go to some of the other sales countries, I call them, where a very high percentage of the sales are from those countries. So, Canada, Australia and United Kingdom. So, we’ll try between all these to get a good amount of audience. So, there’s 230,000 now, then there’s 310,000 people on this audience total, so I think that’s probably big enough and I can just rename this to UK AU Canada and copy and take that out. Now, I just remembered, in the US one, I actually want to exclude a location. I want to actually exclude San Francisco because that’s where the Udemy headquarters is and I figure if they banned me from their website, they probably don’t want to see any of my ads, either. So, now I’ve banned a 50 mile radius of San Francisco. Add that in and Review Changes right there.

So, that’s how you quickly add an exclusion in as well. So, now I apply these changes. Now, I’ve got my ads out global. Now, the one thing you might not expect is then, from here, I want to try and target some countries where I can just get the absolute lowest cost, clicks and email sign-ups. Again, back to the Philippines to see how people respond to the ads there. Often, the ads will show for, I can show 10 to maybe even 50 people the ads for the same cost as to show one in the US and you might not think that’s valuable right away. If I get my website shared thousands of times in India, that will certainly prove valuable in one way or another even if I can’t see exactly how it is. The point’s not all about me, though. The point is if people in India really like the page I’ve made, then I’m genuinely doing something useful. That’s good and when you do genuine, useful things, that’s just good karma.

It will come back around to you, one way or another. Even if it’s in a way, often for me, the good things that have came around have not been any kind of thing I would have concretely planned for. They’ve been the results of just doing good repeatedly and then someone I would have never figured to even try and get an opportunity comes along that way. So, that’s how I look at it. If I can do something good for tens of thousands of people in India, I don’t know exactly how it will work out. I can bet it will work out pretty good, though, in one way or another. So, what I do now is I’m going to go copy this and expand the Udemy targeting into more countries.

I’ve tested different categories in the US to start and I want to, I know Udemy’s a really good one based on my previous ads, so I want to try and get the India audience in here, try and get the Pakistan audience in here. Try and grab the Udemy audience from around the world as much as possible, so Philippines, Egypt. Get as many people from Udemy as possible for the lowest cost.

So, global, and just try and remember off the top of my head and what I can do, I can check how much the reach goes up. Like, I just added Algeria, it didn’t go up at all, so I just deleted Algeria. I add Indonesia, it only went up 10,000. Might as well delete Indonesia. I tried Thailand, and these are just from memory. I’ve researched all these a lot before. So, I’ve got the main ones there. Bangladesh, I think, is good on these. Yes, now Bangladesh just added 80,000.

That’s excellent. So, to try and grab those countries where Udemy’s a big deal. Then, I can do random things you might not expect. Like this, I throw Iraq in, so I’m likely to get a lot of US people who are traveling over there, which can be nice. I throw in Mexico, same kind of potential benefits there. I think Columbia, I think Columbia adds, well, 10,000, that’s all right. Let’s see if I can throw Brazil in. This is how I go about doing things. I just repeatedly, one thing after another. Let’s see if Argentina Udemy is big. Nope, nothing there. So, I’ve got 690,000 now. That’s a pretty good-sized audience. Maybe Turkey? Well, Turkey, well, I don’t know. We’ll go with Turkey anyway. So, it’s not an exact science. Throw Bosnia in there. You can only put 25 countries in one set of targetings, so I try and do them consistently and do them in a way that kind of makes a little bit of sense, so I got 700,000 in this audience, so that’s good.

So, we’re going to go, we’ll go with that. Then, what I can try and do, since I know these are the same people on Udemy, I can copy this again and then what I’m going to do is I’m just going to change the targeting up now. We’ll try some other global things and now I will lump a bunch of these in together, because I realize now some of these things will operate a lot differently in places like India or Pakistan. I realize I don’t understand exactly what’s popular there however, I can just throw up a bunch of different options. So, now I’ve got, I have a big, huge targeting here, so we’ll do Global Online Courses. So, now I’ve got a big targeting. I’ve got the specific one that I know works, that’s really relevant, and then I’ve got a big Global Online Courses one there and then I can copy it and try some more big, broad categories also.

So, I can do things like, we’ll delete all of these and then I can say Student, so then I can do just these massive targeting things. So, 49,000,000 people, just a gigantic targeting category. So, I’ll say we’ll do Global Student Interest on here and I’m doing a lot of these global ones because, so far, the global ones have just crushed it. The tons of email sign-ups globally that are just an outstanding thing for the future, and that provide a lot of great help today. So, then I grab Student as an employer on here, too, because a know a lot of the people taking my courses are students in many of these countries. So, now I’ve got Global Student Employer, Student Interests, Online Courses and Udemy, so I’ve got five kind of specifically targeted in the US. I’ve got the UK Canada AU targeted over here and then I’ll duplicate that and go for a broad course outreach there, too.

So, we’ll go for Online Courses. For these, I will lump them all in together the same way I did for Global. So, in the US, often it’s a little easier to split some of these things up in a little bit neater way, however, for Global, you can see the audience is only 440-some thousand there, so it can be tricky to try and get these things targeted out just right. So, there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of just trial and error. I do that there, I’ve got Udemy taken off and I put the others on. So, now I upload all of these. Now, I’ve got 10 ad sets. That’s up to $20 a day and if I combine that with these new ones, I’ve just cranked my ad budget up $24 a day today, so the nice thing to do now is just pace myself. Like, okay, I’ve made enough new ads for today and technically, I threw on in before this for a dollar a day, 25 a day. You can see, I’ve recently, with getting banned from Udemy, I’ve completely readjusted my advertising strategy. I paused a lot of my ads to take that into account, look at my income, so now I’m starting to scale things back up a little bit more.

So, this will more than double my current ad budget and what I’ll do, I’ll give it 24 to 72 hours to see what kind of results. So far, you can see this website remarketing one averaging 50 cents a conversion. I’d like to see even lower than that out of this new Course Conversions one and I’d like to also see a better CPA, or cost per action. So, you’ll notice, this website traffic and remarketing, not very good cost per share, not that great of Page Like, although those are really relevant Page Likes.

I’d like to see some lower things in there. So, in summary, you can see a well-rounded approach, both on my Facebook page and in my Facebook ads account. I’ve got ads that are producing low cost shares. I’ve got ads producing low cost website conversions. I have ad producing low cost Likes and link clicks, so between or among all the different ads I have, the advertising strategy then covers all my bases. Then, my business is set up to be well-rounded, my Facebook page is set up to be well-rounded. If you want to, watch this video. It’s available on YouTube also and I’ll post my YouTube link over here in the chat.

If you’re on Facebook live, the video is also available on YouTube and if you want to see this next one on my Facebook page, I’ll throw the link out in YouTube and then you can watch this next video live on my Facebook page. And, if you want to learn more about this, I’m about to head out here. If you want to learn more and keep following me, you can see more of the live streams and on my website, there’s tons of things you can do on here.

If you want to talk with me, you can have a one-on-one call with me. I’m grateful. Someone just scheduled one of these about an hour ago. You can go pick a time. You say 30 minutes, set your time zone. I’ve got my calendar wide open to accommodate your calls and I just work the rest of my schedule around it. So, you pick a day and a time in your time zone that works for you. I’ve also got books out on Facebook ads, so I’ve got a book that’s 2016 Facebook Marketing Advertising. You click this and then I’ve got right here, this is my book.

I’ve got in in paperback and in Kindle. You can read it, and I made this with Michel Gerard. It’s got pictures. If you’re just getting started on Facebook and you’ve watched this just to see what’s possible, this might be a great way to go. If you go to my Courses page, you’ll also see I have a $9 coupon here, a $199 course, I’ve got a $9 coupon on it you can use. You click Add To Cart. You go through and check out and then you can get 25-plus more hours of HD video on here.

Or, the best deal, if you see this view offer pop up, you can get all 38 of my courses on my website for $75. So, I do these free trainings with the idea to get them out to as many people as possible instead of having you do some kind of paid webinar sign-up. Instead of doing something like waiting for you to get on my email list, I just give these free trainings out as wide as possible with the hope that you can use the information in them and then, if the information is helpful for you, then maybe you’ll keep coming back. So, I’m grateful for the time you spent watching today. I’m planning to go to the gym, take a shower and then hopefully, play some GTA5 with my friends and stream that again. So, thank you very much for watching. If you haven’t already subscribed on YouTube, Like the page on Facebook and maybe just buy every product I have. (chuckling) Have a great day today and I hope you enjoyed this..

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