Article Marketing Process Explained

>> MIKE: Hi I’m a Mike doing business as JR. We are going to talk about article marketing. Article marketing is actually a tough aspect of the marketing world. The reason why I say that is because there is one site above others that you want to get your articles up and that is Ezine Articles. Ezine Articles is quite honestly a bitch to get your articles up! They make it very difficult and they are extremely inefficient and they love to waste your time. If you don’t get your article right the first time it will take you another 21 possible days to get it possibly up if they don’t deny it a second time.

In order to be effective, if you are going to do any kind of marketing, you need to be doing it every day. You know it’s the only way it’s going to work . If you are posting one article once a week or once a month it could take years before that whole marketing plan becomes effective. So personally I like blogging. I get to do a blog post every single day. I do it seven days a week.

I do stuff that I write and I do stuff that is viral. So that is a great way of doing it however if you are willing to go into article marketing and you want to go and take your chance and you want to do it and you think you can write a good article then I am going to show you what to do because article marketing can be very effective and can earn some great income.

So here is what you want to do. Any article you write you want it to be optimized for search engines. They call it SEO (search engine optimization.) What you are going to do is choose a keyword based on the topic you want to write about. Now the keyword could be a key phrase. Then there are two things that you want to do when you decide on that. The first is to go , actually I like to open both Windows of Google Adwords keyword tool and Google itself because you are going to be going back and forth. What you are going to do is take that keyword or key phrase and put it into Google Adwords keyword tool and then do search and what it’s going to do is bring up a list that shows you how many people actually search for that word or phrase a month . Now you may see zero so you are not going to use that.

You are going to want to look to see the alternatives underneath so you can figure out which one fits with what you are going to write about. Typically you want to go with low comp however if the views are between 200 to 300,000 will be okay but your whole point is you want to try to get as much traffic as you can . Then when you have that phrase or keyword that you want to use then you want to choose how your article is going to be written . Say it’s you know, how to… how to install laminate flooring and perhaps you know your keyword was laminate flooring and you found that had a perfect number of people searching for it. So now you go into Google and you are going to put into quotes, by the way it has to be in quotes, how to install laminate flooring. Now you are going to see how many results there are of how many websites actually have that. If you see more than 300,000 don’t use it.

Now you’re going to have to figure out another combination. So I like to cut it down and kind of manipulated like “how is the best way to install laminate flooring” or “what is the best way or the best way to install laminate flooring” or “tips.” Now what you may find is that you know that when people type in “install laminate flooring” that may be your key phrase. They are going to type that in the search results and then you have a unique title that has the keyword in it. They are going to find your article so that’s important.

So that’s how you deal with the keyword. Now where you place your keyword or keyphrase must be in your article and in your article’s title. It must be there. It must be, which also your title is called your H1 tag. It also must be in the first line of your first paragraph. It then must be in your H2 tag. That’s your second heading within your ad and usually there is a third. Your third heading and you want to have it in that. The other thing is that you want it to be in the very last line of your article. Typically it could be at the bottom. Something like in a blog post; you put “like and share my article about installing laminate flooring” you know. If it’s an article for Ezine it’s probably going to be in the last line of your paragraph and then have a call to action, which we will get into in a minute. You might want to try to get it in there. Then you want to do it every 100 words, you want that to be. You don’t want it to be any closer because, this is especially true with article marketing, a site like Ezine Articles will fail your articles.

So you want to check per 100 words and then put your keyword and you want to make sure your article is 500 words or more especially with Ezine. Don’t do any less. So when you have 500 words you want to have at least 5 to 6 times that your keyword is being used. Really important. The next thing is you do not want your article to be self-serving. It will not get approved. It cannot be self-serving. You also don’t want to use things like “I” and “me.” You somehow want to be able to use your own experience, because Ezine wants that, they want you to write it based on what you know in your own experience but do it in a way where you are knowledgeable. You should know what you’re talking about. You’re telling the viewer, you know? Not using “I” or “me.” Try to make it more about facts based on what you went through.

Article marketing also is not about being personal. You don’t write personal stories. It’s all about information. Informative articles, how to, reviews sometimes. Be very careful on that. One day I did a review about a scam and they wouldn’t let the article go. They said “you mentioned the name of the scam so we are not going to allow that.” The next thing you want to do is make a call to action. A call to action is, that is your self-serving section. That is what brings in your viewer to your webpage so you want to make it simple. You want to have something like “thank you for reading this article and if you like it please like it on Facebook” and then you want to have your name. You want to have a little call to action like “work with me personally” and then there’s a link to your website and maybe have a PS “if you like making $1-$500 a week and you want to work online take a look at my site” and have your link there.

Whatever it may be. Your call to action is very important otherwise if you are involved in article marketing your article is useless. You can write how-to articles if you want and if you don’t want to make money and you just want to write how-to articles you can do that you know. That’s up to you but for this video we are talking about making money online dealing with online marketing. So you have to have that call to action. Now I am going to make a video that’s all about…the video may be online already. It’s going to be all about Ezine Articles. I am going to tell you the brutal truth about how they work and what to expect as well as how to write your articles with them and how difficult it is to deal with them.

So I want to go into more detail on that video instead of here but if you can get your articles up you should do well. You will get traffic and a tip would be to try to get 1 to 2 videos, not videos, articles up every day and there are other article directories on other sites you can also submit to. I haven’t done that but I’m sure the rules are similar but like I said earlier 70% of the traffic will come from Ezine so they are the ones you really want to focus on. So I hope that helped you. I hope that helped you understand article marketing a lot more and I will see you next time..