Teaching Your Immune System to Recognize Cancer and Eliminate it – Dr. Rashid Buttar

Dr. Rashid Buttar: Again, all disease, not just cancer, is a deficiency of some type of a nutrient or it’s a toxicity. There’s always a toxicity. It can be a toxicity plus a deficiency or it can just be the toxicity. But if you can address those two things then you’ve got a chance of actually resolving the situation. And of those toxicities we have defined seven different toxicities. Those seven toxicities are: heavy metals, second one is persistent organic pollutants, third is opportunistics (the bacteria, virus, microplasma, yeast, those types of things), meaning something that needs an opportunity to set up house. A yeast for example, a fungus would not affect you unless you were immuno-compromised. So the first toxicity, heavy metals, or the second toxicity, persistent organic ? chemicals, will suppress the immune system that allows for that third toxicity, the opportunistic, to actually set up house. Then the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh toxicities they’re a little bit more esoteric. Fourth is energetics: ambient cell phone radiation, electromagnetic radiation, that type of stuff. Fifth one emotional psychological, sixth one food — not what is in the food that we eat but what’s done to the food.

The genetic modification, the irradiation, the homogenization, pasteurization, and that type of stuff. And then the seventh one is spiritual. Ty Bollinger: I read about your cancer protocol and you have something that you call AARSOTA. Can you talk about what your AARSOTA is. Is it a vaccine; what is AARSOTA? Dr. Rashid Buttar: AARSOTA is an acronym that stands for Autogenous Androgen Receptors Specific Oncogenic Target Acquisition. Ty Bollinger: I’m glad you called it AARSOTA. I’m going to remember that. A-A-R-S-O-T-A. Dr. Rahid Buttar: That’s right. AARSOTA. Exactly. So autogenous means your body’s own. Androgen receptor specific means it’s specific to an androgen receptor site that we’re collecting, that we isolate from the urine. It’s similar to what (Dr. Stanislaw) Burzynski does except he’s coming up with antineoplastics that are universal across the board and we’re saying that the androgen receptor sites in everybody’s tumor is unique just as their DNA is unique.

Specific to them. So it’s an autogenous body zone androgen receptor specific, specific to the DNA of that individual, Autogenous androgen receptor specific oncogenic – meaning cancer – target acquisition, meaning it’s acquiescing the target. It helps the body’s immune system to identify what’s being foreign. So cancer first and foremost is a problem with the immune system. You cannot have cancer if you have an intact immune system.

If you have cancer you don’t have an intact immune system. People say “Oh no, my immune system is fine.” Then you can’t have cancer. You can’t have those two. Those two things can’t live together. If it’s an immune system that’s compromised you can have cancer. If you have a cancer, you have to by definition have a compromised immune system. So part of this is we have to stimulate the immune system, to repair the immune system. So there’s five phases that we use when we deal with cancer patients. The first is systemic detoxification as we’ve talked about. The second one is physiological optimization; so we want to optimize the entire physiology to that of the highest possible level that we can.

In quantum physics lingo this would be achieving zero point. So we’re trying to get maximum benefit, maximum output, with minimal expenditure of energy. The third phase is immune modulation. We want to repair the immune system, train the immune system to start working again. Fourth one is the target acquisition or to acquiesce the target, meaning again you know I’m prior military, so you have to first identify the target and the problem is the immune system many times doesn’t identify the cancer’s being formed because the cancer mimics a fetus. Alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), these are non specific markers for cancer but they’re also markers of pregnancy.

When you do a pregnancy test you’re looking for HCG; when you do alpha-fetaprotein for women for amniocentesis that’s a marker for pregnancy, but it’s also a marker, non-specific marker for cancer. So the cancer mimics a fetus so the body doesn’t respond to it. So we have to now show the body that this is not natural. This thing that’s growing in here it’s not supposed to be left along; it’s actually supposed to be attacked. And so we have to train the body to acquiesce that target. So we basically — it’s like flipping our night goggles and all of a sudden you realize whose foreign — and which are the aliens that need to be eliminated and which are not. If you believe in Science Fiction movies. I think that aliens are all friendly if there are aliens out there, but anyway… You understand what I’m saying. That’s a different part. You don’t want to know that part about Dr. Buttar, right? Ty: No. I want to know everything. Dr. Buttar: We’re going to go out and see our UFO buddies next week.

Right Ty? Ty: That sounds good, sound good. So that’s the fourth part and then the fifth part is maintenance. So you’ve got the first one – systemic detoxification, the second one – the physiological optimization, third one immune modulation, fourth one target acquisition and fifth step is maintenance. And that’s how we deal with cancer..

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