Quick Weight Loss for Women (fast weight loss)

You are watching Quick Weight Loss for Women (fast weight loss) Video. When it comes to weight loss unfortunately the women get the short end of the stick is definitely harder for women to lose weight in fact women have been hardwired to not lose weight no matter how cheesy what i’m about to tell you sounds it all makes perfect sense if we stop and think about it let me explain it all stems back to the hunter-gatherer days of our ancestors men were not built for fat storage at all men were built to be lean and fast,hunt food how men can even accumulate that all goes completely against our genetics on the other hand women were built for fat stores to be able to survive and care for children during famine their essential fat stores are many times higher than men when they were built to accumulate as much fat as possible and to not lose those accumulations for childbirth milk production and child-rearing unfortunately we’ve been built to survive not to look good women have a couple of major fat storing roadblocks that hold them back first of all women’s fat cells are bigger have more fat storing enzymes in them men’s fat cells have more fat burning enzymes and are much smaller women honestly do have a lot more working against them which is why the steps Ill be outlining in this presentation works so well estrogen multiplies fat storing enzymes making them gain weight around their but and thighs like it’s an olympic event darn those childbirth genetics third crash dieting.

it puts our bodies instantly into starvation reducing fat burning enzymes by up to fifty percent our bodies literally freak out not only do we tend to lose muscle mass when crash dieting but our fat burning enzymes can decrease !!!! This shall help you understand why it’s harder for gals to lose weight so is it actually possible to overcome these silly genetics well i’ve got some great news you can and i’m about to share with you one simple tip that can instantly boost your fat loss guaranteed knowing what i’m about to share with you will make you realize why the popular well-known so-called diet programs simply don’t work long term mega rich weight loss companies make money off of people like you and i by selling us stuff that leads to at best temporary results but here’s the thing we don’t need them and their expensive weight loss gimmicks to lose weight what i’m about to share with you is key to actually being able to eat some bad foods and still burn fat.
