How to Create your First Email Marketing Campaign! | Producer Marketing Playbook

Hi there, everyone Have, you ever wondered how to keep your fan base engaged with your music after getting a first website visit or a sale. Email campaigns are an excellent way to follow up with people interested in your music and keep them updated on any new products or events. Today, I’m going to show you how to create an effective email campaign that actually gets click-throughs and helps you convert your streams and visits into sales.Before. We set up an email campaign, though we’re going to need an email list of contacts to be able to send it to. There are a couple of simple ways: to build up a contact list that I’ll show you now. First, let’s make sure our Mailchimp account is connected, so that every time we collect an email it’ll go right into our Mailchimp account contact list Once that’s set up. The easiest way to collect emails is to exchange them for free downloads, on your beats. So, let’s turn on free downloads, in exchange for an email address, right, now.Free downloads are for non-profit use and don’t come with a license agreement. So people who are interested in your music can still listen to and write to your beat. However, if they ever want to record and release any music, they need to come back and actually purchase a license, A great way to increase the likelihood of them returning to actually purchase a license is by following up with an email later on which we’ll discuss. In a bit.Another great way to collect emails is by offering some kind of incentive in a pop-up form. On your professional page, When people visit your professional page to check out your music, you can set up a pop-up form that will appear right when the page loads, offering any message you want. A strategy that I have observed to be really effective is offering free beats or a coupon code for a discount on their next purchase. This will encourage people to make a purchase immediately and build trust from the customer as you’re able to provide value to them right at the beginning of the relationship.You can configure these within your Mailchimp account to automatically send as soon as people sign up. Let’S go over to Mailchimp to set that up today. So what we’re going to do is create a welcome email For this. I want to introduce email, specialist Allison to show you the best practices to set up a welcome email.Hi there guys, I’m Allison, the incoming marketing manager at Beatstars, Like Jamil, said I’ll, be showing you all how to set up your welcome email in Mailchimp, along with tips And best practices to help increase your email, open, rates.First things. First, why bother sending welcome emails? Well, welcome emails have been proven to be way more engaging than any other marketing email. In fact, welcome. Emails have 86 % higher open rates than other marketing emails, and 74 % of new subscribers expect to receive a welcome email. Clients that receive welcome emails show 33 % more long-term brand engagement than those who don’t. If you want to retain your new subscribers and convert them into loyal long-term customers, welcome emails can help with that.To start, go to Mailchimp and click on “ Campaigns”. On the left side of your screen, Click on “ Create Campaign” in the top right-hand corner and then click on “ Email” Next you’re going to want to go to “ Automated” and then go to “ Email subscribers when they’re tagged”. Choosing this template will allow you to send a welcome email to a specific audience tag or contact. List.Automating. An email means that anytime, a new contact enters your list. An email will be triggered and sent to that new subscriber’s inbox Set your campaign name, ( I’ll call. Mine “ Welcome Email, Plus Discount Code” ) and then proceed to select your audience On this next page be sure to edit your trigger time and the audience tag that you would like the email to be sent to I’m going to reset the delay to immediately and Then send the emails to the subscription form tag.Once. This is ready. You can click on “ Design, Email”. First, we’ll start with your email subject line Your subject line is more important than you think and can ultimately make or break your email, open rates and interactions. Your subject line should give a clear indication of what the email will be about, while the preview line should act as a window into what your email body will say, Keep your audience in mind when writing your subject and preview lines.So for this email subject line I’m Going to go ahead and put “ Welcome, Take 20 % off your beat purchase” with an emoji at the end And then for the preview line. I’M going to put “ Happy you’re here To prove it. Here’S a special offer for you”. This will ultimately help entice the recipient to open the email and then actually use the code.Next you’re going to set your “ From” name I’ll use the producer name. “ Beats by Excellent”. After that make sure your “ From” email address is correct. Now we’re going to get into actually building out your email First you’ll want to choose your template, I’m going to start from scratch and use the basic one-column layout.When you go to this next section. This is where you’ll actually make and build out the email Mailchimp’s great, because it has an easy-to-use, drag and drop feature that you can use to spruce up your email design, Since this is a welcome email, we’ll keep it simple and to the point.For starters. Your logo should always be placed in your emails, preferably towards the top, so that your reader has a clear idea of who the message is coming from. So what I’m going to do is simply upload my logo and once that’s processed, you can actually adjust your logo display size as needed. If it’s too big, you can decrease the size or if it’s too small, you can go ahead and maximize it.The. Next thing I’m going to do is upload an email header to give the email a pop of color and a visual element. I created this header in Canva using their email, header template, and I made sure that the header’s design reflects the style of Beats by Excellent’s brand so that recipients have an idea of who he is and what they have to offer through. Visual elements.Next you’ll want to fill in the copy of your email. You can go ahead and keep your copy short sweet and straight to the point So for this email I’ll start by thanking the reader for subscribing Next, you should give your reader an idea of who you are what you’re about and what you have to offer And Just remember that, while you’re building a professional brand, it’s also important to be personable, with your audience Remind them that there’s a real person behind the screen So be sure to include elements of your personality and personal touches.You should also provide a reason or motive to continue. Checking back into your store or future emails, This is a great opportunity to drop your discount code, along with any important release, dates or information surrounding future offers. So for emphasis on this important text, I’m going to use Mailchimp’s box text feature to help draw my reader’s attention to this section.This. Next, one is incredibly important. You’Re going to want to always include a call to action button in your emails to help draw your readers back to your site. This will ultimately help increase your website traffic and give your email a purpose. I’M going to go ahead and write. “ Use discount code SELLER20” for this email’s button and link it back to my beat store.Finally, be sure to include your social media handles at the bottom of the email, with Mailchimp’s, drag and drop social, follow section and link your handles Anytime. You can email’s no exception to this.After that click on “ Next” ensure your audience. Data and email triggers are correct and then go ahead and start your dispatch, And there you have it. Your first welcome email Just make sure to continually monitor your welcome email’s performance and stats. As you start sending more emails and learn more about your audience’s behavior, you can better adjust your email subject: preview line and even your copy and graphics to drive better results. Best of luck – and I hope this helps So now – we have a welcome email for customers who have yet to make a purchase. But what about people who have already bought a beat from us? There are still marketing opportunities to turn these members of our audience from single sales into repeat customers. Let’S set up an email for a segment of our audience that have already purchased a beat from us.Let’s, go to “ Create” and create an email We’re going to choose. “ Automated” here so that every time we tag someone as a buyer they’ll get this email. If someone purchases a beat from you on Beatstars they’ll automatically be tagged as “ sales”. So that’s one way to get them added to the tag. You can also always manually tag anyone in your audience as well.In this menu. Here, we can set some conditions for the trigger We’ll schedule this to send one day after we tag them as sales. The schedule will be left as it is Now we’ll segment it and choose. “ Contact is a member of segment or tag”. We can also add a post-send action if we want like if we want the tag to be removed after the email is sent. If that helps you organize your contacts better, I’m going to leave that blank.Now, let’s actually create our email, Since these people have bought from us. The content of this email is going to be different than what a welcome email would be. We can offer them supplementary items to a beat purchase like a mixing and mastering service, maybe a discount on another purchase, links to similar beats to the ones they bought, or maybe just a friendly email thanking them for their purchase and letting them know you would love To hear their finished work once it’s released, There are a ton of different options. You can choose from to help your marketing efforts and build great relationships with your customers.Just fill out the rest of the fields using the same guidelines from the welcome email we created earlier And now, depending on whatever you have chosen to include in the email. You’Ll have a great follow-up email for your customers to hopefully build that relationship further and make them repeat customers.Thanks for watching this video For more videos in the Producer Marketing Playbook make sure you subscribe to Beatstars

How to Create your First Email Marketing Campaign! | Producer Marketing Playbook

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